Customer Profile Amount

The customer profile amount view object contains information about customer profile amounts, including minimum dunning amount, minimum dunning invoice amount, maximum interest charge, minimum statement amount, minimum receipt amount for a currency, interest rate, minimum customer balance amount, and minimum invoice amount in different currencies. The customer profile amount view object is a child object of the customer profile view object. Many profile amount values are derived from the profile class assigned to the customer account or site, and can be modified further on individual profiles.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.CustFinancialProfileDExtractPVO

Primary Keys : HzCustProfileAmtsFEffectiveEndDate, HzCustProfileAmtsFEffectiveStartDate, HzCustProfileAmtsFCustAcctProfileAmtId

Initial Extract Date : HzCustProfileAmtsFCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : HzCustProfileAmtsFLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
HzCustProfileAmtsFApplicationId The application that last updated the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute1 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 1.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute10 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 10.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute11 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 11.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute12 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 12.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute13 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 13.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute14 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 14.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute15 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 15.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute2 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 2.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute3 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 3.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute4 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 4.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute5 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 5.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute6 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 6.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute7 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 7.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute8 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 8.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttribute9 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield 9.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield.
HzCustProfileAmtsFAutoRecMinReceiptAmount The minimum receipt amount in the automatic receipt batch currency to generate automatic receipts for customer transactions with the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileAmtsFCreatedBy The user who created the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFCreatedByModule The process that created the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFCreationDate The date and time the customer profile amount was created.
HzCustProfileAmtsFCurrencyCode The currency of the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFCustAccountId The identifier of the customer account for this customer profile amount. The foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table.
HzCustProfileAmtsFCustAccountProfileId The identifier of the customer account profile for this customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFCustAcctProfileAmtId The identifier of the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFEffectiveEndDate The effective end date of the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFEffectiveStartDate The effective start date of the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFExchangeRateType The conversion rate type for the customer profile amount currency.
HzCustProfileAmtsFExpirationDate The customer profile amount expiration date.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute1 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 1.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 10.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 11.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 12.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 13.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 14.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 15.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 16.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 17.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 18.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 19.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute2 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 2.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 20.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute3 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 3.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute4 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 4.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute5 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 5.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute6 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 6.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute7 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 7.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute8 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 8.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute9 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 9.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield.
HzCustProfileAmtsFInterestFixedAmount The fixed late charge amount to apply to overdue transactions of customers with the customer profile class. This value is used when the Interest Charge Type is Fixed Amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFInterestRate The fixed late charge percentage to apply to overdue transactions of customers with the customer profile class. This value is used when the Interest Charge Type is Fixed Rate.
HzCustProfileAmtsFInterestScheduleId The identifier of the charge schedule to use to calculate late charges on overdue transactions of customers with the customer profile class. This value is used when the Interest Charge Type is Charge Schedule.
HzCustProfileAmtsFInterestType The method to use to calculate late charges on overdue transactions of customers with the customer profile class. Valid values are: Fixed Amount, Fixed Rate, and Charge Schedule.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute1 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 1.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute10 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 10.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute11 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 11.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute12 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 12.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute13 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 13.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute14 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 14.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute15 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 15.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute2 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 2.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute3 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 3.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute4 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 4.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute5 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 5.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute6 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 6.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute7 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 7.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute8 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 8.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute9 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 9.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttributeCategory The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield definition for JgzzAttributeCategory.
HzCustProfileAmtsFLastUpdateDate The date and time the customer profile amount was last updated.
HzCustProfileAmtsFLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMaxInterestCharge The maximum late charge amount to apply to overdue transactions of customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinDunningAmount The minimum account balance of customers with the customer profile class to generate dunning letters.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinDunningInvoiceAmount The minimum overdue transaction amount of customers with the customer profile class to generate dunning letters for the transaction.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinFcBalanceAmount The minimum overdue balance amount of customers with the customer profile class to generate late charges.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinFcBalanceOverdueType The option that indicates how to define the minimum customer balance threshold for calculating late charges on transactions of customers with the customer profile class. Valid values are Amount and Percent.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinFcBalancePercent The minimum overdue balance percentage of customers with the customer profile class to generate late charges.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinFcInvoiceAmount The minimum overdue transaction amount of customers with the customer profile class to generate late charges.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinFcInvoiceOverdueType The option that indicates how to define the minimum transaction threshold for calculating late charges on transactions of customers with the customer profile class. Valid values are Amount and Percent.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinFcInvoicePercent The minimum overdue transaction percentage of customers with the customer profile class to generate late charges.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinInterestCharge The minimum late charge amount to apply to overdue transactions of customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinStatementAmount The minimum statement balance of customers with the customer profile class to generate statements.
HzCustProfileAmtsFObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a customer profile amount to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
HzCustProfileAmtsFOverallCreditLimit The overall credit limit assigned the customer account with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileAmtsFPenaltyFixedAmount The fixed penalty amount to apply to overdue transactions of customers with the customer profile class. This value is used when the Penalty Charge Type is Fixed Amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFPenaltyRate The fixed penalty charge percentage to apply to overdue transactions of customers with the customer profile class. This value is used when the Penalty Charge Type is Fixed Rate.
HzCustProfileAmtsFPenaltyScheduleId The identifier of the charge schedule to use to calculate penalty charges on overdue transactions of customers with the customer profile class. This value is used when the Penalty Charge Type is Charge Schedule.
HzCustProfileAmtsFPenaltyType The method to use to calculate additional penalty charges on overdue transactions of customers with the customer profile class. Valid values are: Fixed Amount, Fixed Rate, and Charge Schedule.
HzCustProfileAmtsFProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFProgramUpdateDate The date a process last updated the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFSiteUseId The foreign key to the HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL table.
HzCustProfileAmtsFTrxCreditLimit The credit limit assigned to individual orders of customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileAmtsFWhUpdateDate The date the customer profile amount was entered or changed in a data warehouse.