Customer Profile Class

The customer profile class view object contains information about customer profile classes, including name, description, and status. The profile class also includes settings and options to assign to specific customer accounts and sites, including credit, collections, balance forward billing, payment terms, customer profile matching, statements, dunning, and invoicing.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.CustomerProfileClassExtractPVO

Primary Keys : HzCustProfileClassProfileClassId

Initial Extract Date : HzCustProfileClassCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : HzCustProfileClassLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
HzCustProfileClassAttribute1 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 1.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute10 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 10.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute11 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 11.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute12 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 12.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute13 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 13.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute14 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 14.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute15 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 15.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute2 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 2.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute3 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 3.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute4 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 4.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute5 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 5.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute6 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 6.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute7 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 7.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute8 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 8.
HzCustProfileClassAttribute9 A segment of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield 9.
HzCustProfileClassAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield.
HzCustProfileClassAutoRecInclDisputedFlag The option that indicates whether disputed transactions are included in the creation of automatic receipts for the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassAutocashHierarchyId The identifier of the AutoCash hierarchy associated with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassAutocashHierarchyIdForAdr The identifier of the AutoCash rule set assigned to the customer profile class to apply receipts to transactions that are not applied or recommended by the AutoMatch process.
HzCustProfileClassAutomatchRuleId The identifier of the AutoMatch rule set assigned to the customer profile class to perform automatic matching of transactions to receipts.
HzCustProfileClassChargeBeginDate The date late charges are enabled on the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassChargeOnFinanceChargeFlag The interest calculation formula to use to calculate late charges on transactions for customers with this customer profile class. Valid values are Simple, Compound, and Flat Rate.
HzCustProfileClassCollectorId The identifier of the collector associated with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCombineDunningLetters The options that indicates whether to combine dunning letters for customers with this customer profile class. Valid values are: Y - combine dunning letters and N - separate dunning letters.
HzCustProfileClassConsBillLevel The option that indicates the level at which to generate balance forward bills for customers with this customer profile class. Valid values are Account and Site.
HzCustProfileClassConsInvFlag The option that indicates whether balance forward billing is enabled for the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassConsInvType The option that indicates the format of the balance forward bills generated for customers with this customer profile class. Valid values are Summary, Detail, and Imported.
HzCustProfileClassCopyMethod The option that indicates whether existing customer profiles that use this customer profile class are updated when this customer profile class is updated.
HzCustProfileClassCreatedBy The user who created the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCreationDate The date and time the customer profile class was created.
HzCustProfileClassCreditAnalystId The identifier of credit analyst associated with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCreditBalanceStatements The option that indicates whether to include the credit balance in statements sent to customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCreditChecking The option that indicates whether to perform credit checks on customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCreditClassification The credit classification assigned to customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCreditCurrencyCode The credit limit currency used to display credit limit values for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCreditItemsFlag The option that indicates whether credit items, such as unapplied or on-account receipts, can be offset against the overdue balance of customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCreditLimit The total amount of credit in the credit currency for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCreditReviewCycle The review cycle period to use for regular credit reviews of the creditworthiness of customers with this customer profile class. Valid values are Quarterly, Semiannually, and Annually.
HzCustProfileClassDescription The description of the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassDiscountGraceDays The number of days after the discount payment terms date that customers with this customer profile class can take discounts.
HzCustProfileClassDiscountTerms The option that indicates whether customers with this customer profile class can take discounts.
HzCustProfileClassDisputedTransactionsFlag The option that indicates whether late charges are calculated on disputed items for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassDunningLetters The option that indicates whether to send dunning letters to customers with past due items with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassExceptionRuleId The identifier of the receipt application exception rule set assigned to the customer profile class to process over and under payments against transactions.
HzCustProfileClassExchangeRateType The conversion rate type to use to convert transaction amounts to the credit limit currency for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute1 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 1.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 10.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 11.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 12.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 13.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 14.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 15.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 16.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 17.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 18.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 19.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute2 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 2.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 20.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute3 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 3.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute4 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 4.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute5 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 5.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute6 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 6.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute7 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 7.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute8 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 8.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute9 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 9.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the Customer Profile Class Date global descriptive flexfield 1.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the Customer Profile Class Date global descriptive flexfield 2.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the Customer Profile Class Date global descriptive flexfield 3.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the Customer Profile Class Date global descriptive flexfield 4.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the Customer Profile Class Date global descriptive flexfield 5.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment for the Customer Profile Class Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment for the Customer Profile Class Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment for the Customer Profile Class Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment for the Customer Profile Class Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment for the Customer Profile Class Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
HzCustProfileClassGroupingRuleId The identifier of the AutoInvoice grouping rule assigned to the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassHoldChargedInvoicesFlag The option that Indicates whether to assess late charges more than once on transactions for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassInterestCalculationPeriod The option that indicates the interest calculation period to use to calculate late charges on transactions for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassInterestCharges The option that indicates whether late charges are enabled for this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassInterestPeriodDays The number of days over which late charge interest rate is applied to transactions for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute1 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 1.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute10 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 10.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute11 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 11.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute12 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 12.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute13 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 13.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute14 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 14.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute15 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 15.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute2 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 2.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute3 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 3.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute4 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 4.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute5 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 5.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute6 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 6.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute7 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 7.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute8 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 8.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute9 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 9.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttributeCategory The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield definition for JgzzAttribute Category.
HzCustProfileClassLastUpdateDate The date and time the customer profile class was last updated.
HzCustProfileClassLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassLateChargeCalculationTrx The late charge calculation method to use to calculate late charges on transactions for customers with this customer profile class. Valid values are: Average Daily Balance, Late Payments Only, Overdue Invoices Only, and Overdue Invoices and Late Payments.
HzCustProfileClassLateChargeTermId The payment terms assigned by default to late charges presented as an interest invoice or debit memo for customers with this customer profile class. Foreign key to RA_TERMS.PAYMENT_TERM_ID.
HzCustProfileClassLateChargeType The late charge type to use to present late charges for customers with this customer profile class. Valid values are Adjustment, Interest Invoice, and Debit Memo.
HzCustProfileClassLockboxMatchingOption The document reference used by AutoMatch to match receipts to transactions for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassMatchByAutoupdateFlag The option that updates the AutoMatch document reference with the most recent document reference that successfully applied a receipt automatically to transactions for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassMessageTextId The message text to print on late charges presented as an interest invoice or debit memo for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassMultipleInterestRatesFlag The option that indicates whether the late charge interest and penalty charges are calculated using multiple rates for a single late charge period for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassName The name of the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a customer profile class to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
HzCustProfileClassOffsetDays The number of days before a credit check authorization expires for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassOrderAmountLimit The amount limit in the credit currency for an individual order for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassOutsideReporting The option that indicates whether to allow reporting the creditworthiness of customers with this customer profile class to third parties.
HzCustProfileClassOverrideTerms The option that indicates whether customers with this customer profile class can update the default payment terms assigned to transactions.
HzCustProfileClassPaymentGraceDays The number of days after the transaction due date before late charges are calculated against transactions of customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassPrefContactMethod The preferred method for sending dunning letters to customers with this customer profile class. Valid values are Email, Fax, and Print.
HzCustProfileClassProfileClassId The identifier of the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassProgramUpdateDate The date a process last updated this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassRequestId The request identifier of the process that last updated this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassReviewCycle The review cycle of customer profile data for this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassReviewCycleDays The number of days between reviews of customer profile data for this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassSeedDataSource The source of the customer profile class seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
HzCustProfileClassStandardTerms The payment terms assigned by default to transactions for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassStatementCycleId The identifier of the statement cycle assigned to customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassStatements The option that indicates whether statements are sent to customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassStatus The status of the customer profile class. Valid values are Active, Deleted, and Inactive.
HzCustProfileClassStmtDeliveryMethod The preferred method for sending statements to customers with this customer profile class. Valid values are Email, Fax, and Print.
HzCustProfileClassTaxPrintingOption The default method to use to print tax amounts on transactions for customers with this customer profile class. This value is taken from Receivables system options.
HzCustProfileClassTolerance The percentage that a customer with this customer profile class can exceed their credit limit before collection action is taken.
HzCustProfileClassWhUpdateDate The date the customer profile class record was entered or changed in a data warehouse.