Customer Profile

The customer profile view object contains information about characteristics of a customer, customer account, or customer site. The customer profile includes settings and options for credit, collections, payment terms, receipt matching, AutoInvoice grouping, statements, dunning, and invoicing. The default values and settings in a customer profile come from the assigned profile class. The values and settings in a specific customer, customer account, or customer site profile can be changed according to business requirements.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.CustProfileExtractPVO

Primary Keys : HzCustProfileFEffectiveEndDate, HzCustProfileFEffectiveStartDate, HzCustProfileFCustAccountProfileId

Initial Extract Date : HzCustProfileFCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : HzCustProfileFLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
HzCustProfileFAccountStatus The user-defined customer account status of the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFAttribute1 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 1.
HzCustProfileFAttribute10 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 10.
HzCustProfileFAttribute11 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 11.
HzCustProfileFAttribute12 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 12.
HzCustProfileFAttribute13 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 13.
HzCustProfileFAttribute14 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 14.
HzCustProfileFAttribute15 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 15.
HzCustProfileFAttribute2 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 2.
HzCustProfileFAttribute3 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 3.
HzCustProfileFAttribute4 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 4.
HzCustProfileFAttribute5 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 5.
HzCustProfileFAttribute6 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 6.
HzCustProfileFAttribute7 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 7.
HzCustProfileFAttribute8 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 8.
HzCustProfileFAttribute9 A segment of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield 9.
HzCustProfileFAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield.
HzCustProfileFAutoRecInclDisputedFlag The option that indicates whether disputed transactions are included in the creation of automatic receipts for the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFAutocashHierarchyId The identifier of the AutoCash hierarchy associated with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFAutocashHierarchyIdForAdr The identifier of the AutoCash rule set assigned to the customer profile to apply receipts to transactions that are not applied or recommended by the AutoMatch process.
HzCustProfileFAutomatchRuleId The identifier of the AutoMatch rule set assigned to the customer profile to perform automatic matching of transactions to receipts.
HzCustProfileFB2bTpCode The identifier of the customer with the profile class with a trading partner in a business-to-business relationship.
HzCustProfileFChargeBeginDate The date late charges are enabled on the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFChargeOnFinanceChargeFlag The interest calculation formula to use to calculate late charges on transactions for customers with this customer profile. Valid values are Simple, Compound, and Flat Rate.
HzCustProfileFClearingDays The number of clearing days before receipts of the customer with the customer profile can be cleared by the Clear Receipts Automatically process.
HzCustProfileFCollectorId The identifier of the collector associated with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFConsBillLevel The option that indicates the level at which to generate balance forward bills for customers with this customer profile. Valid values are Account and Site.
HzCustProfileFConsInvFlag The option that indicates whether balance forward billing is enabled for the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFConsInvType The option that indicates the format of the balance forward bills generated for customers with this customer profile. Valid values are Summary, Detail, and Imported.
HzCustProfileFCreatedBy The user who created the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreatedByModule The program that updated the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreationDate The date and time the customer profile was created.
HzCustProfileFCreditAnalystId The identifier of the credit analyst associated with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditBalanceStatements The option that indicates whether to include the credit balance in statements sent to customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditChecking The option that indicates whether to perform credit checks on customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditClassification The credit classification assigned to customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditCurrencyCode The credit limit currency used to display credit limit values for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditHold The option that indicates whether credit holds can be used on customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditItemsFlag The option that indicates whether credit items, such as unapplied or on-account receipts, can be offset against the overdue balance of customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditLimit The total amount of credit in the credit currency for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditRating The credit rating to assign to customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditReviewCycle The review cycle period to use for regular credit reviews of the creditworthiness of customers with this customer profile. Valid values are Quarterly, Semiannually, and Annually.
HzCustProfileFCustAccountId The identifier of the customer account with the customer profile. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table.
HzCustProfileFCustAccountProfileId The identifier of the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFDiscountGraceDays The number of days after the discount payment terms date that customers with this customer profile can take discounts.
HzCustProfileFDiscountTerms The option that indicates whether customers with this customer profile can take discounts.
HzCustProfileFDisputedTransactionsFlag The option that indicates whether late charges are calculated on disputed items for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFDunningLetters The option that indicates whether to send dunning letters to customers with past due items with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFEffectiveEndDate The customer profile effective end date.
HzCustProfileFEffectiveStartDate The customer profile effective start date.
HzCustProfileFExceptionRuleId The identifier of the receipt application exception rule set assigned to the customer profile to process over and under payments against transactions.
HzCustProfileFExchangeRateType The conversion rate type to use to convert transaction amounts to the credit limit currency for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute1 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 1.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 10.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 11.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 12.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 13.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 14.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 15.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 16.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 17.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 18.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 19.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute2 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 2.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 20.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute3 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 3.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute4 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 4.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute5 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 5.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute6 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 6.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute7 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 7.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute8 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 8.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttribute9 A segment of the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield 9.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the Customer Profile Date global descriptive flexfield 1.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the Customer Profile Date global descriptive flexfield 2.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the Customer Profile Date global descriptive flexfield 3.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the Customer Profile Date global descriptive flexfield 4.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the Customer Profile Date global descriptive flexfield 5.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment of the Customer Profile Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment of the Customer Profile Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment of the Customer Profile Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment of the Customer Profile Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment of the Customer Profile Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
HzCustProfileFGroupingRuleId The identifier of the AutoInvoice grouping rule assigned to the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFHoldChargedInvoicesFlag The option that Indicates whether to assess late charges more than once on transactions for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFInterestCalculationPeriod The option that indicates the interest calculation period to use to calculate late charges on transactions for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFInterestCharges The option that indicates whether late charges are enabled for this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFInterestPeriodDays The number of days over which the late charge interest rate is applied to transactions for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute1 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 1.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute10 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 10.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute11 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 11.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute12 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 12.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute13 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 13.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute14 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 14.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute15 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 15.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute2 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 2.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute3 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 3.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute4 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 4.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute5 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 5.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute6 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 6.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute7 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 7.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute8 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 8.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute9 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 9.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttributeCategory The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield definition for JgzzAttributeCategory.
HzCustProfileFLastCreditReviewDate The date of the last credit review of customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFLastUpdateDate The date and time the customer profile was last updated.
HzCustProfileFLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFLateChargeCalculationTrx The late charge calculation method to use to calculate late charges on transactions for customers with this customer profile. Valid values are: Average Daily Balance, Late Payments Only, Overdue Invoices Only, and Overdue Invoices and Late Payments.
HzCustProfileFLateChargeTermId The payment terms assigned by default to late charges presented as an interest invoice or debit memo for customers with this customer profile. Foreign key to RA_TERMS.PAYMENT_TERM_ID.
HzCustProfileFLateChargeType The late charge type to use to present late charges for customers with this customer profile. Valid values are Adjustment, Interest Invoice, and Debit Memo.
HzCustProfileFLockboxMatchingOption The document reference used by AutoMatch to match receipts to transactions for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFMatchByAutoupdateFlag The option that updates the AutoMatch document reference with the most recent document reference that successfully applied a receipt automatically to transactions for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFMessageTextId The message text to print on late charges presented as an interest invoice or debit memo for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFMultipleInterestRatesFlag The option that indicates whether the late charge interest and penalty charges are calculated using multiple rates for a single late charge period for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFNextCreditReviewDate The date of the next credit review of customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a customer profile to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
HzCustProfileFOffsetDays The number of days before a credit check authorization expires for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFOrderAmountLimit The amount limit in the credit currency for an individual order for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFOverrideTerms The option that indicates whether customers with this customer profile can update the default payment terms assigned to transactions.
HzCustProfileFPartyId The party identifier of the customer with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFPaymentGraceDays The number of days after the transaction due date before late charges are calculated against transactions of customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFPercentCollectable The percentage of the account balance of customers with this customer profile that the collector expects to collect on a regular basis.
HzCustProfileFPrefContactMethod The preferred method for sending dunning letters to customers with this customer profile. Valid values are Email, Fax, and Print.
HzCustProfileFPrintingOptionCode The option that indicates whether customers with this customer profile receive printed transactions.
HzCustProfileFProfileClassId The identifier of the customer profile class associated with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFProgramUpdateDate The date a process last updated this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFRequestId The request identifier of the process that last updated this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFReviewCycle The review cycle of the customer profile data.
HzCustProfileFRiskCode The customer profile risk code.
HzCustProfileFSendStatements The option that indicates whether statements are sent to customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFSiteUseId The identifier of the site use record associated with this customer profile. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL table.
HzCustProfileFStandardTerms The payment terms assigned by default to transactions for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFStatementCycleId The identifier of the statement cycle assigned to customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFStatus The status of the customer profile. Valid values are Active, Deleted, and Inactive.
HzCustProfileFStmtDeliveryMethod The preferred method for sending statements to customers with this customer profile. Valid values are Email, Fax, and Print.
HzCustProfileFTaxPrintingOption The default method to use to print tax amounts on transactions for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFTolerance The percentage that a customer with this customer profile can exceed their credit limit before collection action is taken.
HzCustProfileFTxnDeliveryMethod The method of delivering transactions to customers with this customer profile. Valid values are Email, Print, and XML.
HzCustProfileFWhUpdateDate The date the customer profile record was entered or changed in a data warehouse.
HzCustProfileFXmlCbFlag The option to send chargebacks to customers in XML format.
HzCustProfileFXmlCmFlag The option to send credit memos to customers in XML format.
HzCustProfileFXmlDmFlag The option to send debit memos to customers in XML format.
HzCustProfileFXmlInvFlag The option to send invoices to customers in XML format.