Interest Header

The interest header view object consolidates information about late charge interest, including the business unit, late charge batch, interest to date, accounting date, mode, and batch status.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.InterestHeaderExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArInterestHeaderInterestHeaderId

Initial Extract Date : ArInterestHeaderCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArInterestHeaderLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArInterestHeaderChargeBeginDate The date late charges began to accrue on the transaction.
ArInterestHeaderChargeOnFinanceChargeFlag The formula used to calculate late charges.
ArInterestHeaderCollectorId The unique identifier of the interest header. This is a foreign key of the Collector view object.
ArInterestHeaderCreatedBy The user who created the late charges.
ArInterestHeaderCreationDate The date and time the late charges were created.
ArInterestHeaderCreditItemsFlag The option that indicates whether to include credit items as a charge reduction in the late charge calculation.
ArInterestHeaderCurrencyCode The late charge interest currency code.
ArInterestHeaderCustAcctProfileAmtId The identifier of the customer account profile definition for late charges. This is a foreign key of the HZ_CUST_PROFILE_AMTS view object.
ArInterestHeaderCustTrxTypeSeqId The transaction type sequence number.
ArInterestHeaderCustomerId The identifier of the customer account. This is a foreign key of the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_ALL view object.
ArInterestHeaderCustomerProfileId The identifier of the customer profile. This is a foreign key of the HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES view object.
ArInterestHeaderCustomerSiteUseId The identifier of the customer bill-to site. This is a foreign key of the HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL view object.
ArInterestHeaderDisplayFlag The option that indicates whether to display the interest header.
ArInterestHeaderDisputedTransactionsFlag The option that indicates whether to include disputed transactions in the late charge calculation.
ArInterestHeaderExchangeRate The conversion rate for the interest charge.
ArInterestHeaderExchangeRateType The conversion rate type for the interest charge.
ArInterestHeaderFinanceChargeDate The date the late charge was generated.
ArInterestHeaderHeaderType The late charge document type. Valid values are: ADJ - Adjustment, DM - Debit Memo, INV - Interest Invoice.
ArInterestHeaderHoldChargedInvoicesFlag The option that indicates whether to place a hold on invoices with late charges.
ArInterestHeaderInterestBatchId The identifier of the late charge batch. This is a foreign key of the ra_interest_batches_all view object.
ArInterestHeaderInterestCalculationPeriod The period used to calculate late charge interest.
ArInterestHeaderInterestFixedAmount The fixed amount used to calculate late charge interest on a charge schedule.
ArInterestHeaderInterestHeaderId The identifier of the interest header. This is a primary key of the Interest Header view object.
ArInterestHeaderInterestPeriodDays The number of days in the period used to calculate late charge interest.
ArInterestHeaderInterestRate The late charge interest rate.
ArInterestHeaderInterestScheduleId The identifier of the charge schedule used to calculate late charges. This is a foreign key of the AR_CHARGES_SCHEDULES view object.
ArInterestHeaderInterestType The charge method to use to calculate late charge interest on a charge schedule. Valid values are Amount and Percentage.
ArInterestHeaderLastAccrueChargeDate The date the late charge interest was last compounded.
ArInterestHeaderLastUpdateDate The date and time the interest header was last updated.
ArInterestHeaderLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the interest header.
ArInterestHeaderLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the interest header.
ArInterestHeaderLateChargeCalculationTrx The late charge interest calculation method.
ArInterestHeaderLateChargeTermId The identifier of the payment terms assigned to a debit memo or interest invoice late charge document type.
ArInterestHeaderLegalEntityId The identifier of a legal entity associated with overdue transactions on an interest invoice. This is the foreign key of the Legal Entity view object.
ArInterestHeaderMaxInterestCharge The maximum threshold amount of the late charge.
ArInterestHeaderMessageTextId The identifier of the message text printed on a debit memo or interest invoice late charge document type. This is a foreign key of the AR_STANDARD_TEXT.STANDARD_TEXT_ID view object.
ArInterestHeaderMinFcBalanceAmount The minimum customer balance overdue amount defined for the customer profile late charge currency.
ArInterestHeaderMinFcBalanceOverdueType The minimum customer balance overdue type defined for the customer profile late charge currency. Valid values are Amount and Percent.
ArInterestHeaderMinFcBalancePercent The minimum customer balance overdue percentage defined for the customer profile late charge currency.
ArInterestHeaderMinFcInvoiceAmount The minimum invoice balance overdue amount defined for the customer profile late charge currency.
ArInterestHeaderMinFcInvoiceOverdueType The minimum invoice balance overdue type defined for the customer profile late charge currency. Valid values are Amount and Percent.
ArInterestHeaderMinFcInvoicePercent The minimum invoice balance overdue percentage defined for the customer profile late charge currency.
ArInterestHeaderMinInterestCharge The minimum late charge interest to assess on overdue transactions.
ArInterestHeaderMultipleInterestRatesFlag The option on the customer profile that indicates whether to use multiple interest rates on a late charge interest invoice. If the option is enabled, then multiple rates apply to late charge calculations when the effective dates for multiple charge schedules occur within the same charge calculation period.
ArInterestHeaderObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of the interest header to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArInterestHeaderOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the late charge transaction.
ArInterestHeaderPaymentGraceDays The number of grace days after the transaction due date before late charges are calculated.
ArInterestHeaderPenaltyFixedAmount The fixed amount used to calculate late charge interest on a penalty charge schedule.
ArInterestHeaderPenaltyRate The penalty charge interest rate.
ArInterestHeaderPenaltyScheduleId The identifier of the penalty charge schedule used to calculate late charges. This is a foreign key of the AR_CHARGES_SCHEDULES view object.
ArInterestHeaderPenaltyType The penalty charge type used to calculate late charges.
ArInterestHeaderProcessMessage The error message that appears when a late charge batch ends in error.
ArInterestHeaderProcessStatus The status of the late charge batch.
ArInterestHeaderRequestId The request identifier of the late charge batch.
ArInterestHeaderWorkerNum The number of worker processes in the late charge batch.