Interest Line

The interest line view object contains line-level late charge information about the interest line, including due date, days overdue, days charged, line type, outstanding amount, interest charged, and status.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.InterestLineExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArInterestLineInterestLineId

Initial Extract Date : ArInterestLineCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArInterestLineLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArInterestLineActualDateClosed The date the late charge interest line is closed.
ArInterestLineAmountDueOriginal The original amount due on the transaction line selected for late charge calculation.
ArInterestLineAmountDueRemaining The remaining amount due on the transaction line selected for late charge calculation.
ArInterestLineCreatedBy The user who created the late charge interest line.
ArInterestLineCreationDate The date and time the late charge interest line was created.
ArInterestLineDaysOfInterest The number of days late charge interest is charged on the transaction line.
ArInterestLineDaysOverdueLate The number of days payment is overdue on the transaction line.
ArInterestLineDueDate The payment schedule due date on the transaction line.
ArInterestLineFinanceChargeCharged The adjustments of type FINCHRG. This is deducted from the overdue amount of the invoice to compute the simple interest for invoices.
ArInterestLineInterestCharged The amount of interest charged against an overdue transaction.
ArInterestLineInterestHeaderId The identifier of the late charge interest header the late charge interest line belongs to. This is a foreign key of the Late Charge Interest Line view object.
ArInterestLineInterestLineId The identifier of the late charge interest line. This is a primary key of the Late Charge Interest Line view object.
ArInterestLineInterestRate The late charge interest rate applied to the transaction line.
ArInterestLineLastChargeDate The date late charges were last calculated on the transaction line.
ArInterestLineLastUpdateDate The date and time the late charge interest line was last updated.
ArInterestLineLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the late charge interest line.
ArInterestLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the late charge interest line.
ArInterestLineObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of the late charge interest line to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArInterestLineOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the late charge transaction line.
ArInterestLineOriginalTrxClass The transaction class of the transaction that has late charges assessed against the transaction line. Valid values are: Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, and On Account Credit.
ArInterestLineOriginalTrxId The link between a late charge interest line and its original transaction.
ArInterestLineOutstandingAmount The remaining overdue amount of the transaction line.
ArInterestLinePaymentDate The payment due date on the late charge interest line.
ArInterestLinePaymentScheduleId The identifier of the payment schedule on the late charge interest line. This is a foreign key of the Late Charge Interest Line view object.
ArInterestLineProcessMessage The error message that appears for the late charge interest line when a late charge batch ends in error.
ArInterestLineProcessStatus The status of a late charge interest line belonging to the late charge batch. Valid values are: Success and Error.
ArInterestLineRateEndDate The end date of the late charge interest rate.
ArInterestLineRateStartDate The start date of the late charge interest rate.
ArInterestLineReceivablesTrxId The identifier of the late charge or penalty charge interest line belonging to a late charge adjustment.
ArInterestLineScheduleDaysFrom The start date of the charge schedule interest tier.
ArInterestLineScheduleDaysTo The end date of the charge schedule interest tier.
ArInterestLineType The late charge document type the interest line belongs to. Valid values are: ADJ - Adjustment, DM - Debit Memo, INV - Interest Invoice.
DailyInterestCharge The daily interest charge on the late charge interest line.