Receipt Header

The receipt header object contains information about receipts, including receipt number, receipt method, receipt type, status, business unit, customer, receipt date, amount, and total applied amount. One record is created for each receipt. Concurrently, records are also created in cash receipt history, payment schedules, and cash applications for invoice-related receipts or miscellaneous cash distributions for miscellaneous receipts. Every receipt has a status. Valid values are: APP - applied, UNAPP - unapplied, UNID - unidentified, NSF - nonsufficient funds, REV - reversed receipt, and STOP - stop payment. The receipt status is updated from unapplied to applied when the entire receipt amount is applied or placed on account. Cash receipts proceed through the confirmation, remittance, and clearance steps. Each step creates a cash receipt history record.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.ReceiptHeaderExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArCashReceiptCashReceiptId

Initial Extract Date : ArCashReceiptCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArCashReceiptLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArCashReceiptActualValueDate The date cash is withdrawn or deposited in a bank account.
ArCashReceiptAddressVerificationCode The credit card address verification code retrieved from the Oracle Payments Server.
ArCashReceiptAmount The amount of the payment from the history record to allow querying on the amount.
ArCashReceiptAnticipatedClearingDate The date the receipt is expected to clear the bank.
ArCashReceiptApplicationNotes The reference number that could not be matched to a transaction number during lockbox validation.
ArCashReceiptApprovalCode The payment approval code provided by the credit card issuer.
ArCashReceiptAttribute1 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 1.
ArCashReceiptAttribute10 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 10.
ArCashReceiptAttribute11 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 11.
ArCashReceiptAttribute12 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 12.
ArCashReceiptAttribute13 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 13.
ArCashReceiptAttribute14 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 14.
ArCashReceiptAttribute15 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 15.
ArCashReceiptAttribute2 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 2.
ArCashReceiptAttribute3 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 3.
ArCashReceiptAttribute4 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 4.
ArCashReceiptAttribute5 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 5.
ArCashReceiptAttribute6 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 6.
ArCashReceiptAttribute7 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 7.
ArCashReceiptAttribute8 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 8.
ArCashReceiptAttribute9 A segment of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield 9.
ArCashReceiptAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield.
ArCashReceiptAutoapplyFlag The option that indicates whether AutoApply is enabled.
ArCashReceiptAutomatchRequestId The identifier of the AutoMatch process execution request.
ArCashReceiptAxAccountedFlag The option that indicates whether the cash receipt distributions have been upgraded.
ArCashReceiptCashReceiptId The identifier of the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptCcErrorCode The error code derived from the credit card payment processor.
ArCashReceiptCcErrorFlag The option that indicates whether a transaction had a credit card processing error.
ArCashReceiptCcErrorText The user-enterable description of the credit card error code.
ArCashReceiptCodeCombinationId The General Ledger account code combination of the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptCollectorId The identifier of the collector assigned to the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptComments The comments about the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptConfirmedFlag The option that indicates whether a cash receipt is confirmed. Valid values are: Y or Null - Cash receipt confirmed, N - Cash receipt not confirmed. Always use Null when checking this column.
ArCashReceiptCreatedBy The user who created the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptCreationDate The date and time the cash receipt was created.
ArCashReceiptCurrencyCode The receipt currency code.
ArCashReceiptCustomerBankAccountId The identifier of the customer bank account that paid the receipt.
ArCashReceiptCustomerBankBranchId The identifier of the customer bank branch.
ArCashReceiptCustomerReceiptReference The customer reference value for receipt confirmation.
ArCashReceiptCustomerSiteUseId The identifier of the customer site.
ArCashReceiptDepositDate The date the cash receipt was deposited.
ArCashReceiptDistributionSetId The identifier of the distribution set associated with the payment entry.
ArCashReceiptDocSequenceId The identifier of the document sequence assigned to the standard receipt document category.
ArCashReceiptDocSequenceValue The identifier of the document sequence number assigned to the receipt.
ArCashReceiptExchangeDate The receipt conversion date.
ArCashReceiptExchangeRate The receipt conversion rate.
ArCashReceiptExchangeRateType The conversion rate types available for the receipt on the conversion date.
ArCashReceiptFactorDiscountAmount The amount of factor discount taken by the bank when factoring a receipt.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute1 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 10.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 11.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 12.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 13.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 14.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 15.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 16.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 17.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 18.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 19.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute2 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 20.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute3 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute4 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute5 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute6 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 6.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute7 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 7.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute8 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 8.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttribute9 A segment of the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield 9.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttributeCategory The global descriptive flexfield context name for the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the Cash Receipt Date global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the Cash Receipt Date global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the Cash Receipt Date global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the Cash Receipt Date global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the Cash Receipt Date global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment of the Cash Receipt Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment of the Cash Receipt Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment of the Cash Receipt Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment of the Cash Receipt Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment of the Cash Receipt Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArCashReceiptIssueDate The date the bill receivable was issued.
ArCashReceiptIssuerBankBranchId The identifier of the bank branch that issued the bill receivable.
ArCashReceiptIssuerName The issuer of the bill receivable.
ArCashReceiptLastUpdateDate The date and time the cash receipt was last updated.
ArCashReceiptLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptLegalEntityId The identifier of the legal entity assigned to the receipt.
ArCashReceiptLogicalGroupReference The column added as part of the Cash Management uptake of ARP_CASHBOOK and used in payments.
ArCashReceiptMiscPaymentSource The source of the miscellaneous payment against the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a cash receipt to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArCashReceiptOldCustomerBankAccountId The identifier of the original customer bank account.
ArCashReceiptOldCustomerBankBranchId The identifier of the original customer bank branch.
ArCashReceiptOldIssuerBankBranchId The identifier of the original first-party bank branch.
ArCashReceiptOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptOverrideRemitAccountFlag The option that indicates whether the remittance batch remittance bank account can override the receipt remittance bank account.
ArCashReceiptPayFromCustomer The paying customer associated with the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptPaymentServerOrderNum The identifier of the credit card payment authorized by the Oracle Payments Server.
ArCashReceiptPaymentTrxnExtensionId The identifier of the Payments transaction for processing a credit card or bank account payment.
ArCashReceiptPostmarkDate The date the cash receipt is postmarked.
ArCashReceiptPrevCustomerSiteUseId The identifier of the customer site that was previously associated with the payment.
ArCashReceiptPrevPayFromCustomer The customer that was previously associated with the payment.
ArCashReceiptProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptProgramUpdateDate The date a process last updated the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptPromiseSource The source that generated the promise to pay.
ArCashReceiptRecVersionNumber The receipt version number for audit purposes.
ArCashReceiptReceiptBatchId The receipt batch identifier.
ArCashReceiptReceiptDate The cash receipt creation date.
ArCashReceiptReceiptMethodId The identifier of the receipt method assigned to the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptReceiptNumber The cash receipt number.
ArCashReceiptReceivablesTrxId The identifier of the transaction applied to the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptRecommendationCount The total number of transaction application recommendations generated for the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptReconFlag The option that indicates whether Cash Management is enabled. The default value in Receivables is N, modified by Cash Management during bank reconciliation.
ArCashReceiptReferenceId The identifier of the cash receipt reference. This is a foreign key of the cash receipt view object.
ArCashReceiptReferenceType The cash receipt reference type. Valid values are: PAYMENT, RECEIPT, and REMITTANCE.
ArCashReceiptRemitBankAcctUseId The identifier of the first-party remittance bank account.
ArCashReceiptRemittanceBankAccountId The identifier of the customer remittance bank account.
ArCashReceiptRemittanceBatchId The identifier of the remittance batch.
ArCashReceiptRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptResourceId The identifier of the receivables specialist assigned to the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptReversalCategory The reversal category assigned to the receipt reversal.
ArCashReceiptReversalComments The user-defined information that accompanies the reversal category.
ArCashReceiptReversalDate The date of the receipt reversal.
ArCashReceiptReversalReasonCode The reversal reason code assigned to the receipt reversal.
ArCashReceiptSelectedForFactoringFlag The option that indicates whether the receipt is a factored receipt.
ArCashReceiptSelectedRemittanceBatchId The identifier of the batch created by the receipt remittance process.
ArCashReceiptSetOfBooksId The primary ledger associated with the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptStatus The status of the cash receipt. Valid values are: Applied, Unapplied, Unidentified, Insufficient Funds, Reverse Payment, and Stop Payment.
ArCashReceiptStructuredPaymentReference An industry standard reference on receivables receipts composed of letters, check digits, and transaction information, used to identify the transaction, transaction lines, and its payments to the customer and bank.
ArCashReceiptTaxAmount The cash receipt tax amount.
ArCashReceiptTaxRate The tax rate on the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptType The receipt type of the cash receipt. Valid values are Standard and Miscellaneous.
ArCashReceiptUniqueReference The user-entered alphanumeric reference for the receipt.
ArCashReceiptUssglTransactionCode The USSGL transaction code defined by public sector accounting.
ArCashReceiptUssglTransactionCodeContext The descriptive flexfield context name of the public sector accounting descriptive flexfield.
ArCashReceiptVatTaxId The identifier of the VAT on the receipt.