Receipt History

The receipt history view object contains information about each step in the lifecycle of a receipt, including history status, accounting date, entered amount, accounted amount, conversion rate, reversal category, and reversal reason. Valid statuses for each automatic receipt creation step are: APPROVED for approved receipts and CONFIRMED for confirmed receipts. Valid statuses for manually and automatically created receipts also include: REMITTED for remitted receipts, CLEARED for cleared receipts, and REVERSED for reversed receipts. Every record is posted to General Ledger. Each record debits the account on the specified GL_DATE and credits the account on the specified REVERSAL_GL_DATE, if a reversal date is present. The record optionally debits the BANK_CHARGE_ACCOUNT_CCID column for the amount in the FACTOR_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT column on the specified GL_DATE and credits the account on the specified REVERSAL_GL_DATE. This is the difference between the remitted amount and the cleared amount.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.ReceiptHistoryExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArCashReceiptHistoryCashReceiptHistoryId

Initial Extract Date : ArCashReceiptHistoryCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArCashReceiptHistoryLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArCashReceiptHistoryAccountCodeCombinationId The account that is debited on the receipt accounting date and credited on the receipt reversal accounting date.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAcctdAmount The accounted amount of the historical cash receipt in the ledger currency.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAcctdFactorDiscountAmount The accounted factored discount amount of the historical cash receipt in the ledger currency.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAmount The historical cash receipt amount. This amount may vary from the original receipt amount after clearing and remitting the receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute1 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 1.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute10 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 10.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute11 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 11.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute12 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 12.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute13 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 13.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute14 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 14.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute15 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 15.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute2 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 2.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute3 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 3.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute4 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 4.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute5 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 5.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute6 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 6.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute7 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 7.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute8 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 8.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttribute9 A segment of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield 9.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield.
ArCashReceiptHistoryBankChargeAccountCcid The account that is debited or credited for the factored discount amount of the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryBatchId The identifier of the receipt batch that created the historical cash receipt. This is a foreign key of the AR_BATCHES table view object.
ArCashReceiptHistoryCashReceiptHistoryId The identifier of the historical cash receipt entry.
ArCashReceiptHistoryCreatedBy The user who created the historical cash receipt entry.
ArCashReceiptHistoryCreatedFrom The page or process used to create the historical cash receipt entry.
ArCashReceiptHistoryCreationDate The date and time the historical cash receipt entry was created.
ArCashReceiptHistoryCurrentRecordFlag The option that indicates whether the current entry is the latest historical cash receipt entry.
ArCashReceiptHistoryEventId The identifier of the subledger accounting event for the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryExchangeDate The historical cash receipt conversion date.
ArCashReceiptHistoryExchangeRate The historical cash receipt conversion rate.
ArCashReceiptHistoryExchangeRateType The historical cash receipt conversion rate type.
ArCashReceiptHistoryFactorDiscountAmount The factored discount amount of the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryFactorFlag The option that indicates whether the historical cash receipt was remitted and factored.
ArCashReceiptHistoryFirstPostedRecordFlag The option that indicates when the historical cash receipt was first posted.
ArCashReceiptHistoryGlDate The historical cash receipt accounting date.
ArCashReceiptHistoryGlPostedDate The historical cash receipt posting date.
ArCashReceiptHistoryLastUpdateDate The date and time the historical cash receipt was last updated.
ArCashReceiptHistoryLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryNoteStatus The status of the cash receipt history.
ArCashReceiptHistoryObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a historical cash receipt to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArCashReceiptHistoryOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryPostableFlag The option that indicates whether a historical cash receipt entry was postable.
ArCashReceiptHistoryPostingControlId The identifier of the historical cash receipt posting batch. Valid values are: 1 - posted by the ARXGLP posting program, 2 - posted by the Release 8 RA, 3 - not posted, 4 - posted by the Release 9 RAPOST.
ArCashReceiptHistoryProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryProgramUpdateDate The date a process last updated the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryPrvStatCashReceiptHistId The identifier of the status of the historical cash receipt record prior to the change in status to the current record.
ArCashReceiptHistoryRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryReversalCashReceiptHistId The identifier of the historical cash receipt reversal.
ArCashReceiptHistoryReversalCreatedFrom The process that reversed the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryReversalGlDate The historical cash receipt reversal accounting date.
ArCashReceiptHistoryReversalGlPostedDate The historical cash receipt reversal posting date.
ArCashReceiptHistoryReversalPostingControlId The identifier of the historical cash receipt reversal posting batch. Valid values are: 1 - posted by the ARXGLP posting program, 2 - posted by the Release 8 RA, 3 - not posted, Null - if the historical cash receipt reversal accounting date is null.
ArCashReceiptHistoryStatus The status of the historical cash receipt. Valid values are: Approved, Confirmed, Remitted, Cleared, Reversed.
ArCashReceiptHistoryTrxDate The date the cash receipt history row is entered by the user.