Receipt Method Account

The receipt method account view object consolidates information about receipt methods and remittance bank accounts, including business unit, bank, branch, account, primary option, currency, minimum receipt amount, clearing days, risk elimination days, and General Ledger accounts. Every remittance bank account assigned to the receipt method is defined as a record. The accounting entries that are used for each step of the lifecycle of a receipt are also defined at this level.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.ReceiptMethodAccountExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArReceiptMethodAccountReceiptMethodId, ArReceiptMethodAccountRemitBankAcctUseId

Initial Extract Date : ArReceiptMethodAccountCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArReceiptMethodAccountLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute1 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 1.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute10 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 10.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute11 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 11.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute12 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 12.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute13 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 13.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute14 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 14.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute15 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 15.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute2 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 2.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute3 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 3.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute4 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 4.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute5 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 5.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute6 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 6.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute7 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 7.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute8 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 8.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttribute9 A segment of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield 9.
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield.
ArReceiptMethodAccountBankAccountId The identifier of the receipt method account bank account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountBankChargesCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Bank Charges receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountBrCollectionDays The minimum number of days on the receipt method account that the remittance bank uses to collect on a bill receivable that is remitted after the maturity date.
ArReceiptMethodAccountBrFactorCcid The identifier of the receipt method factored bills receivable account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountBrRemittanceCcid The identifier of the receipt method remitted bills receivable account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountBrStdReceivablesTrxId The identifier of the short term debt receivables activity used for the receipt method account remittance bank.
ArReceiptMethodAccountCashCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Cash receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountClaimReceivablesTrxId The identifier of the receivables activity used for the receipt method account claim investigation accounting. This is a foreign key of the AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX view object.
ArReceiptMethodAccountClearingDays The number of days on the receipt method for the bank to clear a standard receipt, or the number of days after maturity date when customer risk of non-payment is eliminated on a factored receipt.
ArReceiptMethodAccountCreatedBy The user who created the receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountCreationDate The date and time the receipt method account was created.
ArReceiptMethodAccountEarnedCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Earned receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountEdiscReceivablesTrxId The identifier of the receipt method account earned discount receivables activity used when accounting for tax on earned discounts. This is a foreign key of the AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX view object.
ArReceiptMethodAccountEndDate The date the combination of receipt method and bank account is inactive.
ArReceiptMethodAccountFactorCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Factor receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountFactorPrintProgramId The identifier of the process that prints factored receipts from the receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountFactorTransmissionProgramId The identifier of the process that transmits factored receipts from the receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute1 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 10.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 11.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 12.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 13.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 14.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 15.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 16.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 17.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 18.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 19.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute2 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 20.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute3 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute4 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute5 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute6 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 6.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute7 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 7.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute8 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 8.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute9 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 9.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttributeCategory The global descriptive flexfield context name for the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield.
ArReceiptMethodAccountLastUpdateDate The date and time the receipt method account was last updated.
ArReceiptMethodAccountLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountMinReceiptAmount The minimum receipt amount below which automatic receipts are not created for the customer account or site for the receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a receipt method account to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArReceiptMethodAccountOldBankAccountId The identifier of the original bank account associated with the receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountOnAccountCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the On Account receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated to the receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountOverrideRemitAccountFlag The option that indicates whether the receipt remittance batch process can override the receipt method remittance bank account with the remittance batch bank account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountPrimaryFlag The option that indicates whether the remittance bank account is the primary bank account for the receipt method account in the given currency.
ArReceiptMethodAccountReceiptClearingCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Receipt Confirmation receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountReceiptMethodId The receipt method identifier of the receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountRemitBankAcctUseId The identifier of the receipt method remittance bank account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountRemitPrintProgramId The identifier of the process that prints automatic receipts selected for remittance with this receipt method and remittance bank account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountRemitTransmissionProgramId The identifier of the process that transmits automatic receipts selected for remittance with this receipt method and remittance bank account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountRemittanceCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Remittance receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountRiskEliminationDays The number of days after the maturity date of factored receipts with this receipt method and remittance bank account that the Clear Receipts Automatically process can clear the short term debt.
ArReceiptMethodAccountShortTermDebtCcid The identifier of the short term debt liability account for factored receipts with this receipt method and remittance bank account. The account is credited when receipts are factored to the bank and debited when risk is eliminated.
ArReceiptMethodAccountStartDate The date this receipt method and remittance back account became active.
ArReceiptMethodAccountUnappliedCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Unapplied receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountUnearnedCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Unearned receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountUnediscReceivablesTrxId The identifier for the receipt method account of the unearned discount receivables activity used when accounting for tax on unearned discounts. This is a foreign key of the AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX view object.
ArReceiptMethodAccountUnidentifiedCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Unidentified receipt method account.