Receipt Method

The receipt method view object contains information about receipt methods, including receipt class, receipt method name and description, option for debit memos to inherit receipt numbers, option for receipt to inherit transaction numbers, grouping number of receipts rule, receipt maturity date rule, and lead days. For automatically created receipts, receipt methods define the rules for creating these receipts. For manually created receipts, receipt methods define user-definable receipt types. Each receipt method is associated with a set of remittance bank accounts, which can be assigned to a receipt. For example, if lockbox transmissions are received from multiple banks, a lockbox receipt method can be created with the bank accounts from the banks assigned to it.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.ReceiptMethodExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArReceiptMethodReceiptMethodId

Initial Extract Date : ArReceiptMethodCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArReceiptMethodLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArReceiptClassAttribute1 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 1.
ArReceiptClassAttribute10 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 10.
ArReceiptClassAttribute11 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 11.
ArReceiptClassAttribute12 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 12.
ArReceiptClassAttribute13 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 13.
ArReceiptClassAttribute14 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 14.
ArReceiptClassAttribute15 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 15.
ArReceiptClassAttribute2 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 2.
ArReceiptClassAttribute3 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 3.
ArReceiptClassAttribute4 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 4.
ArReceiptClassAttribute5 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 5.
ArReceiptClassAttribute6 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 6.
ArReceiptClassAttribute7 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 7.
ArReceiptClassAttribute8 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 8.
ArReceiptClassAttribute9 A segment of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield 9.
ArReceiptClassAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield.
ArReceiptClassBillOfExchangeFlag The option that indicates whether this receipt class is used for Bills Receivable
ArReceiptClassClearFlag The receipt class clearance method. Valid values are: Directly, By Automatic Clearing, By Matching.
ArReceiptClassConfirmFlag The option that indicates whether automatic receipts created by the receipt method with this receipt class require confirmation by the customer.
ArReceiptClassCreatedBy The user who created the receipt class.
ArReceiptClassCreationDate The date and time the receipt class was created.
ArReceiptClassCreationMethodCode The receipt class creation method. Valid values are: Automatic, Bills Receivable, Bills Receivable Remittance, Manual.
ArReceiptClassCreationStatus The receipt class creation status.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute1 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 10.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 11.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 12.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 13.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 14.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 15.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 16.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 17.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 18.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 19.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute2 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 20.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute3 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute4 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute5 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute6 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 6.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute7 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 7.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute8 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 8.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttribute9 A segment of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield 9.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the Receipt Class Date global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the Receipt Class Date global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the Receipt Class Date global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the Receipt Class Date global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the Receipt Class Date global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment for the Receipt Class Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment for the Receipt Class Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment for the Receipt Class Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment for the Receipt Class Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment for the Receipt Class Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArReceiptClassLastUpdateDate The date and time the receipt class was last updated.
ArReceiptClassLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receipt class.
ArReceiptClassLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the receipt class.
ArReceiptClassName The name of the receipt class.
ArReceiptClassObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a receipt class to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArReceiptClassReceiptClassId The identifier of the receipt class.
ArReceiptClassRemitFlag The receipt class remittance method. Valid values are: Standard, Factoring, Standard and Factoring, No Remittance.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute1 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 1.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute10 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 10.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute11 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 11.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute12 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 12.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute13 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 13.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute14 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 14.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute15 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 15.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute2 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 2.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute3 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 3.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute4 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 4.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute5 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 5.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute6 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 6.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute7 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 7.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute8 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 8.
ArReceiptMethodAttribute9 A segment of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield 9.
ArReceiptMethodAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield.
ArReceiptMethodAutoPrintProgramId The identifier of the of the process that prints automatic receipts created by the receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodAutoTransProgramId The identifier of the of the process that transmits automatic receipts created by the receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodBrCustTrxTypeId The identifier of the bills receivable transaction type used to create bills receivable from transactions with this bills receivable receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodBrInheritInvNumFlag The option that indicates whether bills receivable created from transactions with this bills receivable receipt method use the transaction number as the bill receivable number.
ArReceiptMethodBrMaxAcctdAmount The maximum amount possible to create bills receivable from applied transactions using this bills receivable receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodBrMinAcctdAmount The minimum amount necessary to create bills receivable from applied transactions using this bills receivable receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodCreatedBy The user who created the receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodCreationDate The date and time the receipt method was created.
ArReceiptMethodDmInheritReceiptNumFlag The option that indicates whether a debit memo reversal is assigned the same number as the reversed receipt using this receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodEndDate The date when this receipt method is inactive.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute1 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 10.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 11.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 12.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 13.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 14.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 15.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 16.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 17.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 18.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 19.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute2 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 20.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute3 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute4 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute5 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute6 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 6.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute7 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 7.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute8 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 8.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttribute9 A segment of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield 9.
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield.
ArReceiptMethodIso20022DirectDebitFlag The option that indicates whether receipts created from this automatic receipt method use ISO 20022 direct debit collections.
ArReceiptMethodLastUpdateDate The date and time the receipt method was last updated.
ArReceiptMethodLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodLeadDays The number of days before the invoice due date that an invoice can be selected for application by the automatic receipt process using this automatic receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodMaturityDateRuleCode The rule that determines the maturity date to use on a receipt created from invoices with different due dates using this automatic receipt method. Valid values are: Earliest - earliest due date of all invoices, Latest - latest due date of all invoices.
ArReceiptMethodMerchantId The merchant identifier of the credit card processor used as the funds capture payment method to remit payment for automatic receipts created using this automatic receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodMerchantRef The merchant reference for the credit card processor used as the funds capture payment method to remit payment for automatic receipts created using this automatic receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodName The name of the receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a receipt method to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArReceiptMethodPaymentChannelCode The code of the payment channel.
ArReceiptMethodPaymentTypeCode The payment type used as the funds capture payment method to remit payment for automatic receipts created using this automatic receipt method. Valid values are Credit Card and Bank Account Transfer.
ArReceiptMethodPrintedName The text that is printed on statements when referring to this receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodReceiptClassId The identifier of the receipt class that is associated with this receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodReceiptCreationRuleCode The rule that determines how the automatic receipt process groups and applies receipts against transactions using this automatic receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodReceiptInheritInvNumFlag The option that indicates whether a receipt created with this automatic receipt method is assigned the number of the transaction to which it is applied.
ArReceiptMethodReceiptMethodId The identifier of the receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodSeedDataSource The source of the receipt method seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
ArReceiptMethodStartDate The date when this receipt method is active.
RemitMethodCode The receipt class remittance method used by this receipt method. Valid values are: Standard, Factoring, Standard and Factoring, No Remittance.