Asset Register Report

This topic includes details about the Asset Register Report.


Use the Asset Register Report to provide cost-related details, current activity, and retirements for every asset within the selected asset category. The report lists all transactions that impact asset cost during the selected period.

The following figure is an example of the report.

This figure shows an example of the Asset Register report.

Key Insights

The Asset Register Report generates two layouts:

  • Asset Register: Displays detailed information about active assets within a particular period range. Active assets are assets that aren't fully retired during previous fiscal years.

    Asset Register includes:

    • Account details and description of each asset.

    • Financial data, such as initial values, increases, decreases, and final values. It includes asset cost information, revaluation, depreciation, depreciation reserve, and net book value.

    • Transaction information about asset transactions during the relevant fiscal year, ordered by the transaction number.

  • Asset Register - Retirements: Displays the assets that are retired during a given period. It includes retirement date, asset cost at the time of retirement, retired depreciation reserve amounts, and retired net book value. This is an optional layout.

The report doesn't include expensed assets or construction in process (CIP) assets.

Report Parameters

The following table lists selected parameters of the report:



Major Category

Enter the major category segment value on which you want to report. Leave this parameter blank to include all major categories.

Minor Category

Enter a minor category only if you enter a major category. Leave this parameter blank to include all minor categories.

Asset Cost Account

Enter the assigned asset account. Select this parameter to list all the asset categories that are associated with a particular cost account segment.

Legal Entity

Specify the legal entity to print the statutory heading on the report.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following table lists frequently asked questions about the Asset Register Report.



How do I find this report?

Schedule and run this report from the Scheduled Processes work area on the Navigator menu.

Who uses this report?

  • Assets Manager

  • Tax Manager

  • Tax Accountant

When do I use this report?

Use the Asset Register Report to:

  • Report fixed asset ledger status to your tax authorities.

  • Reconcile your fixed asset books with your ledger accounts balances.

  • Review asset details, such as depreciation method, prorate convention, tag number, and statistical information.

  • Review asset transactions, like additions and retirements, during the relevant fiscal year as of the reporting period.

What type of reports are these?

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