Other Assets Reports

This topic includes details about the what-if analysis reports, property tax reports, and cash generating unit reports.


The other Assets reports include:

Report Name


Property Tax Report

Lists the assets at a particular location as of the specified cutoff date. This information is used for property tax forms. The report is sorted by and groups totals for each balancing segment, location, asset account, and year acquired.

What-If Depreciation Analysis Report

Lists depreciation projections for the selected assets based on the specified depreciation parameters.

Hypothetical Depreciation Analysis Report

Lists depreciation projections for hypothetical assets based on the specified depreciation parameters.

Assets by Cash Generating Unit Report

Lists all assets by cash generating unit. The report extracts the details of all of the asset impairment transactions, such as asset number, cash generating unit, cost, net book value, accumulated impairment reserve, and year-to-date impairments from Oracle Assets.

Japanese Addition or All Asset Detail by Asset Type Report 132 Characters

Lists depreciable assets for Japan in detail by asset type in a 132 character-wide format.

Japanese Addition or All Asset Detail by Asset Type Report 180 Characters

Lists depreciable assets for Japan in detail by asset type in a 180 character-wide format.

Japanese Corporate Tax Reports Schedule 16 (1) Report

Lists the summary of depreciable assets for Japan in accordance with Corporate Tax Reports Schedule 16 for Japan.

Japanese Corporate Tax Reports Schedule 16 (2) Report

Lists the summary of depreciable assets for Japan in accordance with Corporate Tax Reports Schedule 16 for Japan.

Japanese Corporate Tax Reports Schedule 16 (4) Report

Lists the summary of depreciable assets for Japan in accordance with Corporate Tax Reports Schedule 16 for Japan.

Japanese Corporate Tax Reports Schedule 16 (6) Report

Lists the summary of depreciable assets for Japan in accordance with Corporate Tax Reports Schedule 16 for Japan.

Japanese Corporate Tax Reports Schedule 16 (8) Report

Lists the summary of depreciable assets for Japan in accordance with Corporate Tax Reports Schedule 16 for Japan.

Japanese Depreciable Assets Tax Summary Report

Lists a summary of depreciable assets for Japan by location as of January 1 for the selected fiscal year.

The following table describes selected report parameters:




Use this parameter to specify the book to be included for reports.


Use this parameter to specify the currency to be included for reports.

From Asset Number and To Asset Number

Use these parameters to enter the asset number range for which you want to run the report.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following table lists frequently asked questions about the other reports.



How do I find these reports?

Schedule and run this report from the Scheduled Processes work area on the Navigator menu.

When do I use these reports?

Use these reports to:

  • Review and analyze depreciation projections.

  • Review data based on depreciation parameters for hypothetical assets.

  • Review information for property tax forms.

  • Review and analyze depreciation projection for your current depreciation parameters.

  • Review and analyze the details of your asset impairment transactions.

What are the parameters required for the Hypothetical Depreciation Analysis Report?

You must enter a category, date in service, and cost when you submit this report.

Can I optionally enter an accumulated depreciation amount for the Hypothetical Depreciation Analysis Report?


How do I submit the Hypothetical Depreciation Analysis Report?

You must submit this report using the What-If Analysis window.

How do I change the default report format?

To change from Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher), edit the fixed asset catalog and choose the output format from the layout table in the view list.