Create the AI Integration User and Role

If you aren't using early payment discounts, you don't need the integration user, so you can skip this step.

The integration between Oracle Financials Cloud and AI Apps for ERP requires that a specific user and its associated roles exist. This user and its roles provide the required privileges to connect to the Oracle Financials Cloud REST endpoint.

  1. Connect to Oracle Financials Cloud as a user with the IT Security Manager role.

  2. In the Navigator menu, under Tools, click Security Console. You might need to click More to expose the Tools options.

  3. Create the AIA_FIN_DISCOUNTS role:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Roles.
    2. Click Create Role.

    3. Enter these values:



      Role Name


      Role Code


      Role Category

      Financials - Job Roles

    4. Click Next.

    5. On the Privileges tab, click Add Function Security Policy.

    6. In the Add Role Membership window, search for and select AP_MANAGE_BUYER_DISCOUNT_OFFERS_PRIV, then click Add Privilege to Role.

    7. Click Cancel to close the window.

    8. Click Next four times.

    9. Click Save and Close, and then click OK.

  4. Create the user account named AIA_INTEGRATION:

    1. Click Users.

    2. On the User Accounts page, click Add User Account.

    3. In the User Information section, enter values for all the required fields.

    4. Rename the User Name value to AIA_INTEGRATION.

  5. Add roles to the AIA INTEGRATION user:

    1. Click Add Role.

    2. Search for and select AIA_FIN_DISCOUNTS, then click Add Role Membership.

      This role is to access the REST API for standing offers.

    3. Click Done to close the window.

    4. Click Save and Close.

  6. Schedule a process to import the user and role security data as follows:

    1. From the Navigator menu, in the Tools section, select Scheduled Processes.

      You might need to click More to expose the Tools options.

    2. Click Schedule New Process and enter these values:






      Import User and Role Application Security Data

    3. Click OK, and then click Submit.

    4. Make a note of the process ID, and then click OK.

    5. Click Refresh until the status of the process ID you noted shows as succeeded.