Invalid Line Handling Considerations

When using the Invalid Line Handling option, consider the following:

  • The default option for the Invalid Line Handling field is blank, which means Reject line. If you make any changes, they apply at the time they are saved and apply to all processing from that point forward.
  • The Validate Customer Contract Source Data process identifies and assigns unique contract ID strings to contracts.
  • When the application reprocesses lines, it applies the latest active contract identification rules when determining the contract ID string for the line.
  • If the source document line status is Unprocessed and the contract ID string isn't blank, the application updates the contract ID string with the new value and sets the source document line status based on the source document line status of the revised contract ID string.
  • If the contract ID string is blank for a line, the line contains a status of Unprocessed and the application assigns a contract ID string error.
  • Use the Contract Document Correction spreadsheet to correct invalid or missing contract ID strings.
  • Change the Data Transformation Status from Unprocessed to Purge or Reject so that the invalid line can be excluded, and processing can continue.
    • After lines are reprocessed, invalid lines with a status of Purge are deleted from the table and lines with a status of Reject are ignored.
  • After you save and upload the spreadsheet, the application reevaluates and processes corrections to the line and all other lines with the same contract ID string value. Rerun the Identify Customer Contracts process so the corrected lines are grouped into contracts and performance obligations.
  • When you change the Invalid Line Handling field from Reject line to Reject contract:
    • Changes apply from that point forward.
    • Changes apply only to new lines and unprocessed lines, once they are corrected.
    • Lines are eligible for further contract creation processing only when all lines with the same contract ID string are in a status of Processed.
    • The application processes source document lines in a status of Processed that have the same contract ID string.
  • When you change the Invalid Line Handling field from Reject contract to Reject line:
    • Changes apply only to new and corrected lines.
    • After lines are reprocessed, the application converts any line with the same contract ID string in a status of Processed into a contract, regardless of whether there are other lines with the same contract ID string in a status of Unprocessed.