Purge Unprocessed or Rejected Source Records

Improve the performance of processing your source data by removing rejected and unprocessed records from your interface tables.

When there's an issue with the unique identifiers or a duplicate line in your source data, the Validate Customer Contracts process marks the lines as Rejected. The rejected lines aren't eligible for correction using the Correct Contract Document Errors spreadsheet. To correct or eliminate these lines, you must first purge them from the interface tables. Once purged, you can reload the corrected data from your upstream source system or the Revenue Basis Data Import template.

Use the Correct Contract Document Errors spreadsheet to remove the rejected lines by selecting the rejected or unprocessed records and changing the record status to Purged. After upload, the Validate Customer Contract Source Data process deletes the records with a status of Purged from the interface tables.

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  • Unprocessed lines are lines that failed at least one data validation during the Validate Customer Data process.

  • Rejected lines are rejected because they're duplicates or contain invalid keys.

  • Purged records are listed in the output file of the Validate Customer Contract Source Data process for audit tracking. If your company needs a record of the purged records, you can download the Validate Customer Contract Source Data process output file, which captures the records purged. You can use the purged record information for audit purposes, if necessary.

  • Rejected or unprocessed source data is selected and processed separately at each level (Source Document, Source Document Line, and Source Document Subline).