Performance Obligation Template Attributes

This table shows the attributes available when creating performance obligation templates:

Attribute Name Description Required
Name Unique name you enter for the template. Yes
Description Description of the template. No
Satisfaction Method Method used to satisfy performance obligations. Valid values are:
  • Allow Partial
  • Require Complete
Priority Processing priority of the template when evaluating source document lines. The lowest numeric value takes priority. Yes
Enabled Indicates whether the template is eligible for use in the identification process. Valid Values are:
  • Yes
  • No
  • Blank. Blank equals No.
Exempt from Allocation Indicates if the resulting performance obligation is exempted from revenue allocation. Valid values are:
  • Yes
  • No
  • Blank. Blank equals No.
Effective Start Date Date from which the template is eligible for consideration in the identification process. Used when the Enabled attribute is set to Yes. The effective start date can be any past or future date. No
Effective End Date Date the template is no longer eligible for consideration in the identification process. Used when the Enabled attribute is set to Yes. The effective end date can be any past or future date but can't be before the effective start date. No
Default Classification You can use the predefined values listed or you can configure additional classification types as necessary for your business:
  • Hardware
  • Software license
  • Professional services
  • Software subscription
  • Post obligation customer support
Derive pricing dimension combination When checked, only source document lines with the same pricing dimension combination are included in the performance obligation. No
Use Residual Approach When checked, the standalone selling price for the performance obligation is derived using the Residual SSP method. No
Allocation Basis When Derive pricing dimension combination is enabled, this value indicates how to distribute performance obligation allocated revenue to the performance obligation promised detail lines. Valid values are:
  • Extended SSP amount
  • Selling amount
In use Indicates whether the performance obligation template is in use by the application. When checked, the template is in use and can't be deleted or modified. Only The template Effective End Date or Enabled attributes can be modified. No