Example of Creating a Performance Obligation Template

This example shows you how to configure a performance obligation template to create performance obligations for new product offerings with insufficient sales history to establish a standalone selling price.

The performance obligation is for a new bundle service with no pricing (sales) history. As a result, the residual standalone selling price method is used to assign a standalone selling price to the performance obligation.

To create a performance obligation template:

  1. Navigate to the task Manage Performance Obligation Templates.
  2. Click the Add icon to create a new template.
  3. On the Create Performance Obligation Template page, in the header section enter these values:
    Field Value
    Name PC-Bundle
    Satisfaction Method Allow partial
    Priority 30
    Enabled Yes
    Exempt from Allocation No
    Effective Start Date Current date
    Effective End Date Blank
    Description This field is optional.
    Default Classification Hardware
    Derive pricing dimension combination Enabled
    Use Residual Approach Enabled
    Allocation Basis Blank
  4. Click Save and Close.
  5. Run the Identify Customer Contracts process. The performance obligation template definition is used to identify performance obligations during the Identify Customer Contracts process.
    Note: Only material contract modifications are allowed on a performance obligation created through this setup. Immaterial change settings are ignored.