Duplicate a Performance Obligation Template

You can duplicate an existing performance obligation template and use the duplicate to update the template definitions and settings and add or remove items.

To duplicate an existing performance obligation template, complete these steps:

  1. In the Manage Performance Obligation Templates page, search for the template you want to duplicate.
  2. Highlight the row containing the performance obligation template to be duplicated.
  3. Under the Actions menu, click Duplicate or click the Duplicate icon to display the Create Performance Obligation Template dialog box.
  4. Enter the name of the new template. The application defaults the name of the new template with the name of the template being duplicated preceded by an underscore.
    Note: If you want to change the name of the template, you must change it here before clicking Save and Close. Once you save the template, you can't update the name.
  5. Optionally enter a description.
  6. Enter an effective start date if it's different from the default date entered by the application. By default, this date is the effective end date of the source template plus one day or the current date.
  7. Click Save and Close. When you click Save and Close, the application creates an exact copy of the selected template using the new name, description, and effective start date as entered in the dialog box. All other existing performance obligation attributes and item assignments are copied from the original template except for these attributes, which are assigned as follows:
    Attribute Name Assignment
    Name The same as what was entered in the Create Performance Obligation Template dialog box.
    Description The same as what was entered in the Create Performance Obligation Template dialog box.
    Priority The priority number of the original template priority plus one (until the new template reaches an unused value).
    Effective Start Date The end date of original template plus one or the current date.
    Effective End Date Blank
    Enabled No
    In use Not enabled
  8. After the original template is duplicated, the Edit Performance Obligation Template page opens automatically and displays the new duplicated template.
  9. Make any necessary changes to the template definition. You can change any of the attributes except for the name of the template.
  10. Click Save and Close.