Resolve Reference Currency Errors

Use the reference currency-specific error messages to resolve data issues when using a reference currency.

The application requires rate information to convert amounts. If the rate information is missing, the Identify Customer Contracts process can't assign the pricing dimension combination or standalone selling prices to the performance obligation or promised detail line. In this case, the application displays line-level error messages containing reference currency-specific error messages.

When the application can't obtain the reference currency rate from the General Ledger Daily Rates table, it marks the promised detail line and displays an error message in the Edit Customer Contract page stating that the reference currency conversion rate is missing.

The application changes the contract to a status of Pending allocation and an allocation pending reason of Reference currency conversion rate not available.

When you fix the error and then run the Identify Customer Contracts process again, when the application locates the missing rate, it updates the error message and allocation status accordingly.