How You Set Up Keyword Audit

Organizations can use keyword audit to identify expense reports that auditors need to review. Here are some scenarios where you can use keyword audits:

  • To identify purchases and subscriptions from merchants that aren't permitted by your company.

  • To identify expenses from conference and events that your company wants to review for compliance.

  • To monitor expenses involving specific organizations.

You need to do these tasks to set up keyword audits:

  1. Add keywords to a keyword lookup.

  2. Create an audit selection rule that uses the keyword lookup.

  3. Assign the audit selection rule to a business unit.

Add Keywords to Keyword Lookup

After you identify keywords, which you want the application to search in expense reports, add them as lookup code meanings to a keyword lookup. Generally, you can use the ORA_EXM_KEYWORD_AUDIT lookup type provided by Expenses to add keywords for audit. You search for the lookup type on the Manage Standard Lookups page and then add the keywords.

However, if you have different keyword audit requirements for different business units, it's a good practice to create separate keyword lookups for each business unit to support its requirements. You can add the generic keywords as well as the keywords specific to the business unit in the keyword lookup. Here are the steps to create a keyword lookup and add keywords:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manage Standard Lookups task.

  2. On the Manage Standard Lookups page, click the New icon in the Search Results section.

  3. In the new row, enter lookup type name, meaning, and description for the keyword lookup.

  4. Select Expenses from the Module list.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Next, you add keywords to the keyword lookup. To add a keyword, click the New icon in the Lookup Codes section.

  7. In the new row, enter a lookup code. Then, enter a keyword in the Meaning column.

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to add all keywords.

  9. After adding all the keywords, click Save and Close.

Create Audit Selection Rule

Here are the steps to create an audit selection rule:

  1. Sign in as an expense manager.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manage Expense Report Audit Selection Rules task:

    • Offering: Financials

    • Functional Area: Expenses

    • Task: Manage Expense Report Audit Selection Rules

  3. On the Manage Expense Report Audit Selection Rules page, click the Create icon.

  4. On the Create Expense Report Audit Selection Rule page, enter a name for the rule.

  5. In the Additional Selection Rules section, select the Audit expense reports with keywords option.

  6. From the Lookup Type list, select the keyword lookup you created earlier.

  7. Enter a score percentage to include words similar to keywords in the search. If you set the score percentage as 100%, the application selects expense reports that exactly match the keywords. As you reduce the score percentage, the application considers additional words that are similar to keywords as matching. For example, if you have Vision Web Services as a keyword and set the score percentage as 95%, an expense report containing text Vision web srv isn't considered a match. However, if you reduce the scoring percentage to 80% the same expense report is considered a match. Similarly, if Organization is a keyword, application considers an expense report containing text Org as not matched when the scoring percentage is 95%. However, if the percentage is set to 90%, the same expense report is considered a match.

  8. If required, you can select additional selection rules.

  9. Click Save and Close.

Assign Audit Selection Rule

Here are the steps to assign an audit selection rule to a specific business unit:

  1. Sign in as an expense manager.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manage Expense Report Audit and Receipt Rule Assignments task:

    • Offering: Financials

    • Functional Area: Expenses

    • Task: Manage Expense Report Audit and Receipt Rule Assignments

  3. On the Manage Expense Report Audit and Receipt Rule Assignments page, click a business unit to assign the audit selection rule.

  4. On the Edit Expense Report Audit and Receipt Rule Assignments page, click the Add Row icon in the Expense Report Audit Selection Rule section.

  5. In the new row, select the audit selection rule you created and enter a start date.

  6. Click Save and Close.

After the audit selection rule is activated, the application searches for keywords in the expense reports. If a keyword is found in an expense report, the Keyword Violation audit reason is added to the expense report. The report then requires an additional review of auditors.