Travel Card Processing

Travel cards, also known as centrally-billed travel cards, business travel accounts, or ghost cards, are used by companies to centrally charge high value travel expenses, such as airfare, accommodations, and car rental.

The travel card account allows corporate employees to purchase travel expenses using a single card account, rather than each employee using individual corporate cards. A centrally-billed card is a single card number that's assigned to an entire company or to a specific business unit.

Your company can realize the following benefits from using a travel card account:

  • Greater visibility into total trip cost

  • Accurate travel expense allocation

  • On time payment to card issuers

  • Integration with American Express

  • Cost savings

Processing travel cards includes the following actions:

  • Schedule the Upload Corporate Card Transactions process.

  • View upload results.

  • View transaction file upload details.

  • Schedule the Create Corporate Card Issuer Payment Requests process.

  • View payment requests results.

Schedule the Upload Corporate Card Transactions Process

The Upload Corporate Card Transactions process uploads and validates corporate card or travel card transactions from a card issuer.

To schedule the Upload Corporate Card Transactions process, navigate to: Navigator > Expenses > Corporate Cards link > Tasks link > Upload Corporate Card Transactions link > Upload Corporate Card Transactions page.

The following table contains the parameters that you must select on the Upload Corporate Card Transactions page to schedule the Upload Corporate Card Transactions process.



Process Type

Upload and validate

Corporate Card Program

Applicable travel card

Account Type choice list

Centrally-billed card

View Upload Results

View upload results in the Corporate Cards work area on the Transactions Upload Results tab. The upload results display the status of the process, output, number of valid transactions, and any invalid transaction errors. You can click the View Output icon and the link for the number of invalid transactions to review details and take corrective action.

View Transactions File Upload Details

The Transaction Upload Results tab doesn't display details of the uploaded transaction files. However, you may need these details to review or rerun the process if something failed. You can find this information on the View File Status page. To view this page, from the Tasks panel tab click the View File Status link.

On the View File Status page, you can search for a transaction file based on parameters, such as process ID, status, corporate card program, and so on. You can search for files that were uploaded up to 6 months earlier. From the searched results, you can check the status of the transaction file, review the other transaction details, and take appropriate corrective action.

Schedule the Create Corporate Card Issuer Payment Requests Process

The Create Corporate Card Issuer Payment Requests process creates invoices for subsequent payment to corporate card or travel card issuers.

To schedule the Create Corporate Card Issuer Payment Requests process, navigate to: Navigator > Expenses > Corporate Cards link > Tasks link > Create Corporate Card Issuer Payment Requests link > Create Corporate Card Issuer Payment Requests page.

The following table contains the parameters that you must select on the Create Corporate Card Issuer Payment Requests page to schedule the Create Corporate Card Issuer Payment Requests process.



Corporate Card Program

Travel card

Account Type choice list

Centrally-billed card

View Payment Requests Results

View payment requests results in the Corporate Cards work area on the Card Issuer Payment Requests tab. The payment requests results display the status of the process, as well as output. You can click the View Output icon to review details and take corrective action.