How can I set up MasterCard as a centrally-billed card for travel expenses?

Upload MasterCard travel charges from your organization’s centrally-billed account for employee expenses. This allows employees to pay for travel expenses using a single MasterCard account, rather than using individual corporate cards. From the Expenses work area, employees can include these travel charges in their expense reports to provide approvers with full visibility into the total cost of a trip.

There are two ways you can create a new centrally-billed MasterCard travel card:

  • Create the card manually:
    1. Sign in to Expenses as a corporate card administrator.
    2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
      • Offering: Financials
      • Functional Area: Expenses
      • Task: Manage Corporate Card Programs
    3. On the Manage Corporate Card Programs page, click the + (Create) icon.
    4. On the Create Corporate Card Program page, enter a name for your Mastercard corporate card program in the Name field.
    5. Set Account Type to Centrally-billed card.
    6. In the Card Number Format field, select Token.
      Note: A centrally-billed MasterCard travel card is only supported for tokenized card programs.
    7. Ensure that the corporate card number matches the AccountNumber field in the MasterCard CDF3 data file.
    8. Fill out all other required fields as appropriate.
    9. Click Save and Close.
  • Create the card using a corporate card data file:
    1. Schedule the Upload Corporate Card Transactions process, where the card data file contains transactions from the new corporate card.

      See the "Schedule the Upload Corporate Card Transactions Process" section of the Travel Card Processing topic for more information.

    2. On the Review Corporate Card Transactions page, the new card appears as unassigned. Edit the corporate card and categorize set Account Type to Centrally-billed card.
    3. Run the Upload and Validate process with validation only, and without the company account parameter to revalidate the transactions.
Note the following points while using a centrally-billed MasterCard account for travel expenses:
  • Due to the nature of the centrally-billed card, only Company Pay and Both Pay are supported.

    See How Corporate Card Transaction Files Are Processed for more information.

  • Employee matching rule only supports employee number in compliance with MasterCard specifications. Every centrally-billed MasterCard must have a valid employee number for proper matching.

    See the "Employee Matching Rules" section of the Options for Creating Corporate Cards topic.

  • The employee ID that a centrally-billed MasterCard transaction is tagged with must belong to the same business unit that the company account for the card belongs to. Otherwise, the transaction returns an "Invalid employee number" error. The corporate card administrator has to manually assign the transaction to an employee in the same business unit on the Review Corporate Card Transactions page.