Types of Combination Sets

When you create a cross-validation combination set, you must assign it a type of either Allow or Disallow.

Allow means an account combination must include the combination of segment values that you specified in the cross-validation combination set.

For example, your organization’s chart of accounts has these segments: Company, Line of Business, Account, Product, and Trading Partner. Only certain combinations of Company, Line of Business, and Product segment values are considered valid in account combinations. You would define an Allow type of cross-validation combination set with the Company, Line of Business and Product segments and you would list the valid combinations of segment values.

Disallow means an account combination can’t include the combination of segment values that you specified in the cross-validation combination set.

Using the previous chart of accounts structure example, let’s say certain combinations of Company and Trading Partner segment values aren’t allowed. You would define a Disallow type of cross-validation combination set for the Company and Trading Partner segments and list the combinations of segment values that aren’t allowed.

Note: For a given chart of accounts, you can create only one type of cross-validation combination set for the same set of validation segments.