AutoMatch Amount Weight Exceptions

When you define an AutoMatch rule set, the values you enter in the Amount Weight Exceptions section qualify the meaning of the open balance amount considered by the Amount Weight threshold.

How You Use Amount Weight Exceptions

Enter threshold percentages to qualify the weight to give to different portions of the open balance amount on a transaction.

Enter these amount weight exception thresholds:

  • Net of Tax Weight: Enter the weight to give to the total transaction amount net of tax but including freight.

  • Net of Tax and Freight Weight: Enter the weight to give to the total transaction amount net of tax and freight.

  • Net of Freight Weight: Enter the weight to give to the total transaction amount net of freight but including tax.

  • Unearned Discount Weight: Enter the weight to give to transaction amounts that include an unearned discount.

If an exact match exists between the receipt amount and transaction amount, AutoApply uses the Amount Weight threshold value without reference to the amount weight exceptions.

If an exact match doesn't exist between the receipt amount and transaction amount, AutoApply looks for the best match among all of the amount weight exceptions to derive a percentage score.

For example, you enter these amount weight exception threshold values:



Net of Tax Weight


Net of Tax and Freight Weight


Net of Freight Weight


Unearned Discount Weight


During lockbox processing, a transaction is presented for receipt application with these details:

  • Customer account number: 1001

  • Amount due remaining: 127

  • Amount after discount: 120.65

  • Tax remaining: 20

  • Freight Remaining: 7

  • Unearned Discount: 6.35

Lockbox presents a receipt for application with these details:

  • Customer account number: 1005

  • Reference amount: 120

Because no exact match exists between the transaction amount and the receipt amount, AutoApply looks for the closest match among the amount weight exceptions to derive an amount weight. An exact match exists between the receipt amount and the transaction amount net of freight (127 - 7 = 120). AutoApply therefore uses the Net of Freight Weight threshold value of 80% as the calculated score for the Amount Weight threshold.