How AutoMatch String Handling Works

The String Handling section of the Create and Edit AutoMatch Rule Set pages provides rules that assist in the search for transaction matches against the Match Receipts By document type reference used by AutoApply.

The rules indicate what part of a string to remove in order to compare the resulting stripped number against the matching numbers provided during receipt processing. Matching recommendations for the string are processed according to the weighted threshold values of the AutoMatch rule set.

You can define rules for transaction strings and remittance strings.

Settings That Affect String Handling

Use the string handling settings to indicate what part of a string to remove before string comparison. This is typically an alphanumeric prefix or suffix, or a string of zeros used to pad numbers to equal length.

Enter these settings:

  • String Location: Indicate whether to remove characters and digits from the Front or Back of the string.

  • String Value: Indicate the type of characters and digits to remove: Zero, Empty Spaces, or Any. Any includes zeros, spaces, and any character, digit, or special character.

  • Number of Characters: Indicate the number of places to remove.

How String Handling Is Used

If the string handling settings for a transaction number are:

  • String Location: Front.

  • String Value: Any.

  • Number of Characters: 5.

Then the string ABC: 10044 is converted to 10044. The string handling process removed the first 5 characters from the string: the alphanumeric characters ABC, the colon (:), and the space.

If the string handling settings for a transaction number are:

  • String Location: Back.

  • String Value: Zero.

  • Number of Characters: 3.

Then the string:

  • ABC: 10044000 is converted to ABC: 10044.

  • 985660000 is converted to 985660.

  • 985660000000003 isn't processed. This is because AutoApply looks for zeros at the end of the string but finds a number instead.