Predefined Data Points for Collections

A data point is a single piece of credit information about a customer.

Oracle Fusion Advanced Collections uses data points to do scoring to determine the collectability of each customer at the customer, account, or bill-to site levels. The below table lists the available predefined data points at different levels.

Data Point Description Type
Account Write Off Amount The account total write-off amount in the past 24 months in USD. Account
Account Age of Oldest Overdue Transaction The age of the oldest overdue of an account's delinquent transaction. This is the number of days for which the delinquent transaction with the largest overdue has existed for an account. Account
Account Total Receivables Balance The total outstanding amount in USD for an Account. On-account or unapplied cash is taken into consideration to reduce the outstanding amount. Account
Account Total Amount Past Due Account total past due amount in USD excluding disputes. On-account or unapplied cash is not included. Account
Account Delinquencies Count Determines how many delinquencies exist for the Account Account
Account Delinquency Rate 1-30 Days Account Percent Overdue 1-30 days Account
Account Delinquency Rate 31-60 Days Account Percent Overdue 31-60 days Account
Account Delinquency Rate 61-90 Days Account Percent Overdue 61-90 days Account
Account Delinquency Rate 91+ Days Account Percent Overdue 91+ days Account
Account Age of Latest Payment The number of days passed since the last payment was made on the customer's account. Account
Account Amount Past Due More Than 15 Days Total account amount in USD that is past due for more than 15 days. Adjustments, Disputes, and On-account or Unapplied cash are taken into consideration to reduce the outstanding amount. Account
Account Weighted Average Days Paid Account weighted average days paid for prior 24 months. This is the number of days an account takes to make payments. The average is weighted by the payment amount. Prepayments are included in the calculation. Account
Account Weighted Average Days Outstanding Account average days late weighted by invoice amount. Account
Account Percent of Outstanding 30 Days Past Due Percent of account balance more than 30 days past due. Account
Account Delinquent Amount in Past Year The total delinquent and predelinquent amount owed by the account in the past year Account
Customer Delinquent Amount in Past Year The total delinquent and predelinquent amount owed by the customer in the past year Customer
Customer Delinquencies Count Determines how many delinquencies exist for the Customer Customer
Party Delinquency Rate 91+ Days Customer Percent Overdue 91+ days Customer
Party Delinquency Rate 61-90 Days Customer Percent Overdue 61-90 days Customer
Party Delinquency Rate 31-60 Days Customer Percent Overdue 31-60 days Customer
Party Delinquency Rate 1-30 Days Customer Percent Overdue 1-30 days Customer
Customer Total Receivables Balance The total outstanding amount in USD for a customer. Bills Receivables and On-account or unapplied cash is taken into consideration to reduce the outstanding amount. Customer
Customer Age of Oldest Overdue Transaction The age of the oldest overdue of a customer's delinquent transaction. This is the number of days for which the delinquent transaction with the largest overdue has existed for a customer. Customer
Customer Age of Latest Payment The number of days passed since the last payment was made by the customer. Customer
Customer Amount Past Due More Than 15 Days Total customer amount in USD that is past due for more than 15 days. Adjustments, Disputes, and On-account or Unapplied cash are taken into consideration to reduce the outstanding amount. Customer
Customer Weighted Average Days Paid Customer weighted average days paid for prior 24 months. This is the number of days a customer takes to make payments. The average is weighted by the payment amount. Prepayments are included in the calculation. Customer
Customer Weighted Average Days Outstanding Customer average days late weighted by invoice amount. Customer
Customer Percent of Outstanding 30 Days Past Due Percent of customer balance more than 30 days past due. Customer
Customer Amount Past Due Customer total past due amount in USD excluding disputes. On-account or unapplied cash is not included. Customer
Customer Write Off Amount Customer total write-off amount in the past 24 months in USD. Customer
Site Delinquency Rate 91+ Days Site Percent Overdue 91+ days Site
Site Total Receivables Balance The total outstanding amount in USD for a site. On-account or unapplied cash is taken into consideration to reduce the outstanding amount. Site
Site Delinquency Rate 31-60 Days Site Percent Overdue 31-60 days Site
Customer Total Amount Past Due for Sites Customer total past due amount in USD excluding disputes. On-account or unapplied cash is taken into consideration to reduce the past due amount. Site
Site Delinquency Rate 61-90 Days Site Percent Overdue 61-90 days Site
Site Write Off Amount Site total write-off amount in the past 24 months in USD. Site
Site Total Amount Past Due Site total past due amount in USD excluding disputes. On-account or unapplied cash is not included. Site
Site Percent of Outstanding 30 Days Past Due Percent of site balance more than 30 days past due. Site
Site Weighted Average Days Outstanding Site average days late weighted by invoice amount. Site
Site Weighted Average Days Paid Site weighted average days paid for prior 24 months. This is the number of days a site takes to make payments. The average is weighted by the payment amount. Prepayments are included in the calculation. Site
Account Total Amount Past Due for Sites

The total past due amount in USD for an account after excluding disputes. On-account or unapplied cash is taken into consideration to reduce the past due amount.

This data point is the sum of the total amount due on all transactions for all sites. The value of this data point is therefore the same for all sites belonging to the customer account.

Site Delinquencies Count Determines how many delinquencies exist for the Bill To Site Site
Site Delinquent Amount in Past Year The total delinquent and predelinquent amount owed by the site in the past year Site
Site Age of Latest Payment The number of days passed since the last payment was made on the site. Site
Site Delinquency Rate 1-30 Days Site Percent Overdue 1-30 days Site
Site Age of Oldest Overdue Transaction The age of the oldest overdue of a site's delinquent transaction. This is the number of days for which the delinquent transaction with the largest overdue has existed for a site. Site
Site Amount Past Due More Than 15 Days Total site amount in USD that is past due for more than 15 days. Adjustments, Disputes, and On-account or Unapplied cash are taken into consideration to reduce the outstanding amount. Site
Delinquency Determination Identifies whether a transaction is overdue Transaction
PreDelinquency by Segment Determines predelinquency using strategy assignment setup Transaction
Transaction Delinquency Check Determines if the payment schedule is delinquent Transaction
PreDelinquency Determination Determines if the payment schedule is delinquent Transaction

Perform these steps to review and disable the predefined data points:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select:
    1. Offering: Financials
    2. Functional Area: Collections
    3. Task: Manage Collections Scoring Data Points
  2. On the Manage Scoring Data Points page, click the name of the data point that you want to review.
  3. On the Edit Scoring Data Point page, you can review the data point and disable if required.
  4. Click Save and Close.