Scoring Formula Data Points

A data point is a component of a scoring formula.

Data Points

Data points can be one of the following two types:

  1. A select statement

  2. A database function, an example would be asking for the total number of delinquent transactions or the total delinquent amount of customer delinquencies

Note: You must know how to create PL/SQL statements or functions for either type.

The following are criteria for data point details:

  • They must return a single numeric value

  • They must be created for a certain element which is the database entity to be scored

  • Can be positive or negative

  • Must account for the range of numbers from -999,999,999 to 999,999,999

  • Must be contiguous and don't overlap

The values calculated by a data point are weighted and used in the scoring formula. Collections deliver formulas where a higher score indicates a better chance of collectability and a lower score indicates a lower chance of collectability. You can configure formulas where higher scores result in lower chance of collectability and lower scores a higher chance of collectability.