Scoring Formulas

Scoring formulas are the foundation for your collections activities.

Scoring Formulas

Oracle Fusion Advanced Collections uses scoring in two ways:

  1. Determines transaction status as current, delinquent, or predelinquent. Collections scores invoices and debit memos from Oracle Fusion Accounts Receivables. A customer is delinquent when they have past due transactions.

  2. Determines the collectability of each customer at the customer, account, or bill-to site level. Use data points about the customer to determine collectability.

Scoring formulas consist of:

  • High and low scores

  • One or more weighted data points that must sum to 1

  • Data point details

  • Status used only in the case of scoring transactions

  • A segment which enables you to run against a subset or segment of the database

  • A review where you can test your formula

A Scoring formula provides you an effective way to manage your collections resources and strategies.

Collections delivers a set of scoring formulas you can apply or copy and modify to your specific business needs.

Considerations and Recommendations

Consider the following:

  • You should test all data points and scoring formulas in a test environment using a portion or all of your production data

  • Once you're satisfied with the scoring results and performance, you can move your tested scoring formulas to your production environment