Lockbox Transmission Format Record Types

Enter the record types to include in a lockbox transmission format. Use the Identifier column to uniquely identify each record type.

Your bank file might not contain all of these record types. You should define your transmission format to only include the record types you actually use.

Record Types

Batch Header

A Batch Header marks the beginning of a specific batch. Batch Headers usually contain information such as batch number, deposit date, and lockbox number.

Batch Trailer

A Batch Trailer marks the end of a specific batch. Batch Trailers usually contain information such as batch number, lockbox number, batch record count, and batch amount.

Lockbox Header

A Lockbox Header marks the beginning of a specific lockbox. Lockbox Headers usually contain information such as destination account and origination number.

Lockbox Trailer

A Lockbox Trailer marks the end of a specific lockbox. Lockbox Trailers usually contain information such as lockbox number, deposit date, lockbox amount, and lockbox record count.

Overflow Receipt

An Overflow Payment usually contains invoice information for a specific payment, such as batch number; item number; sequence number; overflow indicator; invoice, debit memo, or chargeback number; and debit item amounts. Receivables combines the overflow and payment records to create a logical record to submit payment applications.


A Receipt usually contains payment information such as MICR number, batch number, item number, check number, and remittance amount.

Service Header

Service Header records contain general information about the transmission.

Transmission Header

A Transmission Header marks the beginning of a specific data file. Transmission Headers usually contain information such as destination account, origination number, deposit date, and deposit time.

Transmission Trailer

A Transmission Trailer marks the end of a specific data file. Transmission Trailers usually contain information such as total record count.