Lockbox Transmission Formats

Lockbox receipt processing makes use of transmission formats, also called control files (.ctl), to specify how the data in a bank file is organized for import into the Receivables interface tables.

The control files are based on industry standards that are used by many banks for transferring lockbox receipts.

During Lockbox receipt processing:

  • The Load Interface File for Import process identifies the control file to use based on the prefix of the bank file name. For example, because the file Arlockboximportbai2_mmddyyyy.dat begins with arlockboximportbai2, the process uses this transmission format.

  • The Lockbox validation process uses the structure of the transmission format to ensure that data is transferred from the bank file to the tables correctly.

Transmission Formats

The following list describes predefined Receivables transmission formats. The BAI and EDI823 control files are fixed-length text-based data files.

If the BAI and EDI823 control files can't meet the specific requirements of a particular customer, Receivables also provides the FBDI comma-delimited control file (arlockboximportc.ctl) and corresponding spreadsheet.

BAI (arlockboximportbai.ctl)

Original format created by the Bank Administration Institute.

BAI 2.0 (arlockboximportbai2.ctl)

Updated format created by the Bank Administration Institute.

BAI2 Extended (arlockboximportextbai2.ctl)

Updated format that provides some extended field lengths.

ORA_BAI2-EXTENDED_GENERIC (arlockboximportgenbai2.ctl)

Updated format similar to the BAI2 Extended format with field lengths similar to database table field lengths holding comparable data.

EDI823 (arlockboximportedi823.ctl)

Format used in an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment.

Receivables Standard Receipt Import (FBDI) (arlockboximportc.ctl)

Format similar to Cloud FBDI process control files. These files provide a comma-delimited data file with a corresponding macro-enabled spreadsheet template.

Zengin Format for Japan (ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX) (arlockboximportzenginr.ctl)

Format for Zengin data that identifies Japanese customers using the alternate payer name.

Zengin Format for Japan with VAN (ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN) (arlockboximportzenginvan.ctl)

Format for Zengin data with Virtual Account Number (VAN) support to identify Japanese customers.