Translated Display of Transaction Type, Transaction Source, and Receipt Method

You can display the translated names of your transaction types, transaction sources, and receipt methods in your local language on important Receivables pages and windows.

In certain countries it is a requirement to display the names of these objects in the local language.

Use these three lookup types to create lookup codes with the translation in the local language for each corresponding object:

  • Transaction Type: ORA_AR_TRANSLATED_TRX_TYPE lookup type
  • Transaction Source: ORA_AR_TRANSLATED_TRX_SOURCE lookup type
  • Receipt Method: ORA_AR_TRANSLATED_RCPT_METHOD lookup type

Use these values for each lookup code:

  • Lookup Code: Numerical identifier of the object.
  • Reference Data Set: Common Set or any custom set.
  • Meaning: Translated name of the object in the local language.
  • Description: Description of the translated object.

Before you enter lookup codes with translated names under one of these lookup types, complete these prerequisites:

  • Collect the numerical identifiers for the transaction types, transaction sources, and receipt methods that you want to display in translation.
  • Create a list of translated names in advance of entering the corresponding lookup codes.
  • Log in under the language that you intend to enter lookup codes for.

To find the numerical identifiers for transaction types and transaction sources:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Navigate to the Manage Transaction Types page or Manage Transaction Sources page.
  3. Click the Search button to display all transaction types or transaction sources.
  4. Select View > Columns > Transaction Type Identifier or Transaction Source Identifier to display this column.
  5. Make note of the identifiers for the transaction types and transaction sources that you want to translate.

To find the numerical identifiers for receipt methods:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Navigate to the Manage Receipt Class and Methods page.
  3. Click the Search button to display all receipt classes.
  4. Open the first receipt class that you want in the Edit Receipt Class and Methods page.
  5. Select the first receipt method that you want.
  6. Select View > Columns > Receipt Method Identifier to display this column.
  7. Make note of the receipt method identifier.
  8. Repeat these steps for all receipt methods in all receipt classes that you want.

When you have completed translation of the objects you need and collected the corresponding identifiers, use the Manage Receivables Lookups task to enter the lookup codes under each lookup type.

In this example, you want to display the transaction type Invoice_1 in French. The translated name of this transaction type is Facture_1. You confirm that the transaction type identifier for Invoice_1 is 001.

To create the lookup code for this translated transaction type:

  1. Log in under the French language.
  2. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  3. Search for the setup task Manage Receivables Lookups.
  4. In the Manage Receivables Lookups page, search for the ORA_AR_TRANSLATED_TRX_TYPE lookup type.
  5. Enter a new row for the lookup code.
  6. In the Lookup Code field, enter 001.
  7. In the Reference Data Set field, enter Common Set.
  8. If not selected, enable the Enabled option.
  9. In the Start Date field, enter the date from which to display the transaction type in French.
  10. In the Meaning field, enter Facture_1.
    Note: There is no validation on the text you enter in lookup code fields. You must ensure that the translated name of the object that you enter in the Meaning field matches the original language name exactly.
  11. In the Description field, enter French translation of Invoice_1.
  12. Save your work.

    The French translation of this transaction type will appear on Receivables pages and windows.

Add as many translated name lookup codes that you need for both new and existing transaction sources, transaction types, and receipt methods. You may want to create a procedure for regular updates to all objects that require translated display.

You can create lookup codes under the ORA_AR_TRANSLATED lookup types in all the languages your system supports. You must log in under each language separately and update the translated names and descriptions for each lookup code in that language.