Zengin Format for Japan Lockbox Processing with VAN

Process Japanese lockbox customer payments using the Zengin transmission format ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN for customers with a virtual account number (VAN).

The Zengin transmission format ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN (arlockboximportzenginvan.ctl) includes additional support for the customer virtual account number (VAN). Customers can use virtual account numbers in place of their business deposit accounts for both payables and receivables transactions. ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN includes a Virtual Account Number field to identify the customer account or site for receipt creation and cash application. If lockbox processing can't identify the customer account from the VAN, the process uses the alternate payer name to identify the customer account and create the receipts.

Before you start

To process customer payments using the Zengin transmission format ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN, you must complete these setups:

  • Define Zengin alternate payer name mapping rules with VAN for the paying customers.
  • Define a lockbox with the customer VAN location and length for ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN.

Define a Lockbox for ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN

Before you can submit the ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN control file, you must create a Zengin lockbox with the customer Virtual Account Number information.

To create a lockbox for ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Lockboxes page.
  2. Click the Create icon to open the Create Lockbox page.
  3. In the Lockbox Set field, search for and select a lockbox reference data set.
  4. In the Lockbox Number field, enter an alphanumeric code to identify this lockbox for ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN.
  5. In the Receipt Source field, search for and select a receipt source. The receipt source populates the business unit and bank information.
  6. In the Regional Information field, select Lockboxes for Japan. This displays the Virtual Account Number Location and Virtual Account Number Length fields.
  7. In the Virtual Account Number Location field, enter the location in the ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN control file of the paying customer VAN.
  8. In the Virtual Account Number Length field, select the length of the paying customer VAN: 10 digit or 7 digit.
  9. Complete the remaining fields according to your requirements.
  10. Save your work.


The ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN predefined transmission format arlockboximportzenginvan.ctl contains two record types: Lockbox Header with data type as 1 and Payment with data type as 2.

Additional considerations for preparing ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN include:

  • Use this naming convention for Zengin lockbox bank file names: arlockboximportzenginvan_yymmdd.
  • Exclude multiple header records from different remittance banks, branches, and accounts in a single lockbox bank file, as this can cause validation failure.

When you submit the Zengin lockbox, the Process Receipts Through Lockbox process performs these steps specific to ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX_VAN:

  • Excludes all records with the field type Deposit/Withdrawal Type equal to 2 in the data record.
  • Excludes all records with the field type Transaction Type not equal to 11 or 14 in the data record.
  • Excludes all trailer and end records.
  • If the check/bill number is blank in the Zengin file, creates and automatically numbers a receipt for the payment record.

    An automatic number for payment record receipts is 30 characters in length and uses the format: Transmission Name_DDMMYYHHMI_SequenceNum.

  • Captures additional information in the Receipts global descriptive flexfield Receipts for Japan context for review and research.