Zengin Format for Japan Lockbox Processing

Process Japanese lockbox customer payments using the Zengin transmission format ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX.

The Zengin transmission format ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX (arlockboximportzenginr.ctl) identifies customers using alternate payer names to create customer receipts and process the corresponding receipt applications. If defined, the lockbox process optionally uses the customer bank name and customer branch name, along with the alternate payer name, to identify a customer associated with a payment.

Before you start

To process customer payments using the Zengin transmission format ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX, you must complete these setups:

  • Define Zengin alternate payer name mapping rules for the paying customers.
  • Define context sensitive segments for the Zengin Cash Receipts context under the Receipts descriptive flexfield for ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX.

Prepare and Submit ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX

After you complete the required setups, prepare the ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX transmission file for lockbox processing.

The ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX predefined transmission format arlockboximportzenginr.ctl contains two record types: Lockbox Header with data type as 1 and Payment with data type as 2.

Considerations for preparing ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX include:

  • Use this naming convention for Zengin lockbox bank file names: arlockboximportzenginr_yymmdd.
  • Exclude records with the field types Deposit/Withdrawal equal to 2 and Transaction Type equal to 10 in the bank file loaded for import.
  • Exclude trailer and end record types with data type 8 and 9 respectively in the bank file loaded for import.
  • Populate the Payment Number (Check/Bill Number) with a unique number for each data record in the bank file loaded for import.
  • Exclude multiple header records from different remittance banks, branches, and accounts in a single lockbox bank file, as this can cause validation failure.
  • The Item Number field type is a system-generated sequence number assigned to each payment. You don't need to pass the item number in the bank file loaded for import.

When you submit the Zengin lockbox, the Process Receipts Through Lockbox process performs these steps specific to ORA_ZENGIN_LOCKBOX:

  • Converts the Japanese Imperial date format to the Western Calendar date.
  • Converts the bank file dates in the Reiwa era to the Western Calendar date.
  • Uses the Zengin alternate payer name mapping rules to identify the customer account associated with the receipt by accessing the defined alternate payer name, and optionally the customer bank name and bank branch name, if included in the mapping rule.
  • Creates the receipt for either the customer site defined in the alternate payer name mapping rule, or, if no site is defined, the primary bill-to site of the business unit assigned to the receipt.
  • Captures additional information in the Receipts descriptive flexfield Zengin Cash Receipts context for review and research.