Category Hierarchy Reports

You can use reports produced by transactional business intelligence to monitor your category hierarchy changes.

If you make changes to the catalog category hierarchy, you can use the Product Management - Item Catalog Category Hierarchy Real Time subject area to create reports that include multiple levels of category hierarchy data. See the Subject Areas for Transactional Business Intelligence in SCM guide for details. When you make hierarchy changes, you must run the Refresh Product Hub Snapshots scheduled process before creating or viewing subject area reports.

If you make changes to the catalog category hierarchy through the import process, then the Refresh Product Hub Snapshots scheduled process runs automatically when the import is complete. If you make changes to the hierarchy through the Item Categories REST resource or through the Manage Catalogs task in the Product Information Management work area, then the scheduled process is automatically submitted in the next scheduled time window on that day. You can also run the scheduled process yourself, to refresh the business intelligence reports immediately.