Category Moves

You use the move category function in the category tree table region of the Edit Catalog page. This is a table row action. The dialog is launched when you select an active or future dated category within the catalog and select this action.

Identifying the New Parent

The dialog provides the current category parent and lets you pick a new category parent. Only the legal category parents are displayed in the choice list.

The category list within the New Parent choice list is filtered by based on a set of rules:

  • The new parent category must be an active or future dated category; the end date value of the category must be later than the current system date.

  • The value of the category content for the new parent category must allow the selected category to be added; the legal values are items and categories and categories only.

  • A selected category associated with the catalog at a level below the categories at the root categories can be moved to the root of the catalog.

  • The new parent category catalog category association must be active; the end date value of the catalog category association must be later than the current system date.