Add an Interested Stakeholder

Add an interested stakeholder for an external or internal stakeholder that participates in the joint venture for informational or oversight purposes only. This type of stakeholder doesn’t partake in the sharing of the joint venture costs and revenue.

Before you can add an interested stakeholder, you must have contact information set up for the stakeholder in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications. You can then assign the contact to the interested stakeholder. If contact information for the interested stakeholder isn't available on the Stakeholders page, see Manage Person Information.

  1. Access the Stakeholders page for your joint venture definition.

  2. On Stakeholders, click Add.

  3. On New Stakeholder, enter a name and an optional description for the stakeholder and click Save. Or, you can click Save and New to save this stakeholder and add another.

  4. For the Stakeholder Type, select External or Internal to indicate if the interested party is external or internal to the managing partner’s organization.

    The status for new stakeholders is Pending. You can’t change it to Active until after you complete the fields under Partner Information.

  5. Select a value for the Stakeholder Category. This is an optional field that contains user-defined values that your company can set up to further categorize your stakeholders if desired.

  6. For the Invoicing Preference, select “None – Interested stakeholder only.”

    Note: When you select this option, the application disables the Classification field and populates it with the value “Nonoperator” when you save the stakeholder.
  7. Click the Party drop-down list and select a party for this stakeholder.

    The application displays additional information for the party if available when you save your changes.

  8. To attach a file for the stakeholder, drag the file from your local directory into the Drag and Drop field. Or click anywhere in this field, locate and upload the file. To attach a URL, complete the URL field and click Add URL.

    For information on how to view, edit, and remove attachments, see Add Attachments.

  9. Click Save to save your changes and stay on the page. Or click Save and New to save this stakeholder and add another.