Enter Joint Venture Basic Properties

The steps in this topic and the topics that follow describe how to add each joint venture one at a time.

As an alternative, you can add multiple joint ventures at once using a Microsoft Excel or rapid implementation spreadsheet. For more information, see Manage Joint Venture Data in Microsoft Excel or About Joint Venture Rapid Implementation.

For help with troubleshooting issues related to the setup of your joint venture definitions, see FAQs When Implementing Oracle Joint Venture Management.

Joint venture accountants and joint venture application administrators can create and manage joint venture definitions.

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and select the Joint Venture Management functional area under the Financials offering.

  2. Click the Manage Joint Venture Definitions task.

  3. On Joint Ventures, click Add to access the overview page that describes the steps to create a new joint venture definition.

    Or click Manage in Excel and use the spreadsheet to add multiple joint venture definitions. The spreadsheet contains instructions on how to complete the columns, which reflect the fields in the user interface and include a list of values for fields when applicable.

  4. On New Joint Venture, click Start to create a new joint venture definition.

  5. On Basic properties, enter a name and description for the joint venture definition.

  6. For the Classification, use the default value Operated.

  7. At this point, you can:

    • Click Save to save the information you entered and stay on the page.

    • Select a business unit and then perform either of the following actions:

      • Click Continue to save the information you entered and move to the next step.

      • Click the steps number to expand the navigation pane that has the links to all the steps. Access each of the steps and enter values to complete the setup of the joint venture definition.