How the System Applies Task and Expenditure Type Overrides to Cost Adjustments

The value that you enter in the Joint Venture System Options for the task override is the task number. In Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management, a task number is a generic task to which project managers associate task IDs to categorize various tasks for different projects.

To apply the task override to a transaction, Joint Venture uses the task number in the system options and the project value in a transaction to identify the task ID associated with the project in Oracle Project Management. It then uses the task ID as the task override for the transaction.

Oracle Joint Venture Management uses the following processes to override the task and expenditure type in cost adjustments sent to Oracle Project Costing:

  • Create Joint Venture Distributions process

    When processing project-related transactions, this process adds the task and expenditure type in the system options to the transactions in the Joint Venture Transactions table. The process doesn’t override the original task and expenditure type values, but adds the override values to separate override columns in the table. It then proceeds to create distributions from the transactions.

    Note: The override values do not appear in the transactions and distributions in the Joint Venture Transactions and Joint Venture Distributions work areas.
  • Create Joint Venture Distributions process – Create Project Costing Adjustments mode

    When this process creates cost adjustments from project-related distributions, it overrides the task and expenditure type values in distributions with the associated transaction’s override values. Cost adjustments sent to project costing contain the override values instead of the original values.