Set Up Overrides for Task and Expenditure Type in Cost Adjustments

In the Joint Venture System Options, you can enter overrides for the task, expenditure type, or both in cost adjustments generated from joint venture distributions. Task and expenditure type are two of four categories that project managers can use to base their budgets and forecasts on. Overriding task and expenditure type gives project accountants the ability to budget and forecast on net costs, gross costs, or both. It also enables them to correctly calculate the capitalizable amount.

If burdening is enabled in Project Costing, you must make sure that cost adjustments from joint venture distributions aren’t included in burden calculations. To do so, you must set up an override for the expenditure type in cost adjustments. Project accountants can then set up the burdening application to exclude cost adjustments with the expenditure type override from burden calculations.

When configured, all cost adjustments sent to Oracle Project Costing, regardless of the task and expenditure type entered in the original transactions, are overwritten with the values in the Joint Venture System Options. If project-related transactions identified in Oracle Joint Venture Management don’t have a task or expenditure type, then the overrides are not applied to the associated cost adjustments sent to Project Costing.

Task and expenditure type overrides entered in the system options apply to all joint ventures. You can’t set up overrides to apply to a particular joint venture.