Add and Manage Operational States

Use the Joint Venture Operational States work area to add, delete, and view operational states for your joint ventures.

You can add an operational state to a joint venture or to a joint venture and primary segment. Each operational state that you add must include a reported date. You must also enter a reason for the change to the joint venture’s operational state.

You can add individual operational states directly in the work area. Or you can use a link to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to add, delete, or update multiple operational states at once in the work area.

Note: In the same joint venture, you can add operational states at the joint venture level and at the primary segment level. However, the system doesn't check for duplicate operational states in the joint venture. Therefore, you need to make sure that the operational states that you add to a joint venture are unique. This helps to ensure that when you use operational states with operational measures for your computations, that you're using the correct operational state.

Before You Begin

A joint venture application administrator must add operational state values and reason values to the system. When setting up operational state values, you need to consider whether you intend to create statistical journal entries for operational measures by operational state. The process to create statistical journal entries enables you to select a range of states for which related operational measures can be processed. To be able to process operational measures by a range of operational states, you must use an alphabetic or numeric naming convention for your operational state values, for example:

  • 1-Project design

  • 2-Pre-construction

  • 3-Procurement

  • 4-Construction


  • a-Project design

  • b-Pre-construction

  • c-Procurement

  • d-Construction

For information on how to add operational state values and reason values, see Manage Oracle Joint Venture Management Lookups.

Add Operational States

Joint venture accountants can add and manage operational states. Joint venture accounting managers can only view operational states.

To add operational states:

  1. On the Home page, click Joint Venture Management, Operational States.

  2. In the Operational States work area, click Add.

    Or click Manage in Excel and use the spreadsheet to add multiple operational states at one time. The spreadsheet contains instructions on how to complete the columns, which reflect the fields in the user interface and include a list of values for fields when applicable.

  3. On New Operational State, complete these fields in the Details section:
    • Joint Venture. Select the joint venture for which you want to add this operational state.

    • Primary Segment Value. If you are adding an operational state for a primary segment, select a primary segment value.

    • Reported Date.

    • State. Select a state from the list of values. If you don't see the expected values, contact your administrator to add the appropriate values.

  4. In the Reason section, select a reason for the change to the operational state and add additional details if needed.

  5. Click Submit, or click Save and New to add another operational state.