Add Operational Measures

Use the Joint Venture Operational Measures work area to add operational measures for your joint ventures.

You can add individual operational measures directly in the work area. Or you can use a link to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to add, delete, or update multiple operational measures at once in the work area.

Oracle Joint Venture Management prevents you from adding duplicate operational measures. One of the following values in each operational measure must be unique:

  • Measure type

  • Joint venture

  • Primary segment value

  • Reference

  • Measure date

Joint venture accountants can enter and manage operational measures. Joint venture accounting managers can only view operational measures.

To add operational measures:

Note: You must select a measure type for each operational measure that you add. If the measure type that you need doesn't exist, you must create the measure type before you can add the operational measure.
  1. On the home page, click Joint Venture Management, Operational Measures.

  2. Click Add to add an operational measure in the New Operational Measure page.

    Or click Manage in Excel and use the spreadsheet to add multiple operational measures. The spreadsheet contains instructions on how to complete the columns, which reflect the fields in the user interface and include a list of values for fields when applicable.

  3. In the Details section, select the type of operational measure that you are adding from the Measure Type field.

    The application automatically populates the following fields according to the selected measure type:

    • Description (of the measure type)

    • Unit of Measure

    • Value Type. This indicates whether the operational measure value is a number or a percent.

  4. Complete the following fields as applicable:

    • Joint Venture. Select the joint venture that the operational measure pertains to.

    • Primary Segment Value. Displayed and required only if the measure type was set up to require operational measures to be recorded against a specific segment of the joint venture.

    • Reference. Displayed and required only if the measure type was set up to require a reference for the operational measures.

    • Measure Date. Click the calendar and select a date for the operational measure.

    • Measure Value. Enter the operational measure value. You can enter a value with a maximum of 9 decimal places.

  5. Click Submit, or click Save and New to add another operational measure.