Add Measure Types

Add a measure type for each type of operational measure that you plan to record in Oracle Joint Venture Management.

In the Manage Operational Measure Types work area, you can add measure types one at a time or you can add multiple measure types at once by uploading them from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Each measure type requires a unit of measure, for which the system includes two values: Units and Hours. Your administrator can add additional values for the unit of measure if needed. See Manage Oracle Joint Venture Management Lookups for more information.

Joint venture application administrators can add measure types. Joint venture accountants can only view measure types.

To add a measure type:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and select the Joint Venture Management functional area under the Financials offering.

  2. Click the Manage Operational Measure Types task.

  3. In the Operational Measure Types work area, click Add.

    Or click Manage in Excel and use the spreadsheet to add multiple measure types. The spreadsheet contains instructions on how to complete the columns, which reflect the fields in the user interface and include a list of values for fields when applicable.

  4. On New Measure Type, complete these fields:

    • Measure Type. Enter a name for the measure type.
    • Unit of Measure. The system provides two values: Units and Hours. If the value you need isn't available, ask your administrator to add it.

    • Value Type. Select the value that the operational measure is going to be added as, a Number or Percent.

    • Description

  5. Under Measure Requirements, select these options if required for operational measures added with this measure type:
    • Include Primary Segment Value. Select if you want to require operational measures recorded with this measure type to include a primary segment value. If you don't select this option, then all operational measures for this measure type will be recorded at the joint venture level.

    • Include Reference. Select if you want to require operational measures recorded with this measure type to include a reference.

  6. Click Submit, or click Save and New to add another measure type.