Change Invoicing Partner and Stakeholder Names

You might have a scenario in which a partner in a joint venture has a name change, for example due to a merger or acquisition. To keep your joint venture data current and easily maintain audibility for the partner, you can change the invoicing partner name and stakeholder name for the partner accordingly.

When you change an invoicing partner name or stakeholder name in Oracle Joint Venture Management, the name is updated in all joint ventures that the invoicing partner and stakeholder is associated with. It’s also updated in any associated partner contributions, distributions, and carried interest distributions generated for the invoicing partner and stakeholder.

Important: After you change an invoicing partner name or stakeholder name, you must have an application implementation consultant run the data ingest process. This process updates the search capability to recognize the changed invoicing partner name or stakeholder name when used in a search for their associated transactions, distributions, and invoices. See Ingest Joint Venture Data for more information on how to run this process.

Considerations for Data Migration

If you change an invoicing partner name or stakeholder name, you must change the name in both the source and target environments before performing a data migration. If you only change the name in source environment, after the data migration, you’ll end up with two records in the target environment—one with the original name and another with the new name. In this scenario, in the target environment, you would need to delete the new record and then change the name of the original stakeholder to the new name.

Change an Invoicing Partner Name

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and select the Joint Venture Management functional area under the Financials offering.
  2. Click the Manage Invoicing Partners task.
  3. On Invoicing Partners, select the row with the invoicing partner and click More Actions, Edit Name.
  4. Enter the new name for the invoicing partner and click Update.

Change a Stakeholder Name

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and select the Joint Venture Management functional area under the Financials offering.
  2. Click the Manage Joint Venture Definitions task.
  3. Open a joint venture with the stakeholder and navigate to the Stakeholders page.
  4. Select the row with the stakeholder and click More Actions, Edit Name.
  5. Enter the new name for the stakeholder and click Update.