Manage the Life Cycle of Overhead Methods

Use the Joint Venture Overhead Methods work area to view the overhead methods for your joint ventures. You can update an overhead method, but the changes you can make depend on its status and whether it’s been used to process overhead.

Joint venture accountants can manage overhead methods in the Joint Venture Overheads work area. Joint venture accounting managers only have view access to review overhead methods. If "Data Security for Joint Venture Management" is enabled, users can access only those overhead methods for joint ventures that are associated with the business units authorized to them.

Use Search to find a particular overhead method. Your search criteria can include any text that can be found in the columns in the grid, but not amounts or dates.

Click the overhead method name in a row to open the overhead method in the Edit Overhead Method page. The information you can change depends on the status of the overhead method.

Status Action
Editing The initial status when you set up an overhead method.

You can modify the following details in the Active status: end date, description, minimum amount, and transaction description.

If an overhead method in this status hasn’t been used to process overhead, you can also modify these values: ownership definition, percentage, segment, segment value, partner offset account, and distribution type.

Inactive Use this status when you no longer want the system to process overhead with the overhead method. For data auditing and tracking purposes, you can’t change any details in an overhead method in the Inactive status. And you can’t delete the overhead method or return it to the Active status.