Create a Journal Entry to Process a Partner Contribution Transfer

Before you perform the tasks in this topic, an application implementation consultant must set up subledger accounting to derive the partner contribution accounts for the journal lines that will be created to account the transfer.

See Derive Partner Contribution Accounts for Journal Entries Created to Transfer Partner Contributions.

You must perform the following tasks to create and process journal entries for partner contribution transfers:

  • Run the process that creates journal entries to account for partner contribution transfers.

  • Run the process that creates accounting for the journal entries.

  • Run the process that updates the accounting for posted partner contribution journals.

Perform the following steps to create journal entries to account for partner contribution transfers:

  1. From the Home page, select Joint Venture Management, and then select Process Joint Venture Partner Contributions from the Quick Actions list.

  2. For the Processing Mode, select Process Partner Contribution Transactions.

  3. For the Process Type, select Transfer. You can select “All” to process all partner contributions that are eligible to be transferred, closed, and canceled.

  4. Complete the following fields as needed:

    • Business Unit. To transfer partner contributions for joint ventures associated with a particular business unit, enter the business unit here.

      If you have multiple joint ventures managed under different business units, you can leave this blank to transfer partner contributions for all your joint ventures.

    • Joint Venture. Select a joint venture, or you can leave this field blank to run this process over all joint ventures. The process selects only those joint ventures in Active status.

    • Stakeholder. Select a stakeholder if you want to run this process for a particular stakeholder. Otherwise, you can leave this field blank.

    • Contribution Start Date. Enter a date to run this process over all the partner contributions that have this contribution start date.

    • Accounting Date. Enter a date to use for the general ledger date in the journal entries. If you leave this field blank, the system date will be used.

  5. Click Submit.

    The process includes only those partner contributions that are in “Ready to Transfer” status.

  6. When the process completes, click OK in the confirmation window.

  7. Click the log file in the Log and Output section to view the following information:

    • The partner contributions that were successfully processed along with the details of the journal entry.

    • The partner contributions that weren’t processed due to issues, for example, the accounting date doesn't belong to any accounting period in the ledger.

The source partner contribution changes to “Accounting in Progress” status. The transfer will be completed only after you perform the next two tasks.

Perform the following steps to create accounting for journal entries:

  1. From the Home page, select Joint Venture Management, and then select Create Accounting for Joint Ventures from the Quick Actions list.

  2. Complete these fields:

    • Subledger Application. Select JointVentures.
    • Ledger. Enter the primary ledger of the business unit of the joint venture for which you're processing the journals.
    • Process Category. Select Partner Contribution.
    • End Date. This is in reference to the transaction or event date. Only events having an event date onor before the end date are selected for accounting. By default, this field displays the current system date.
    • Accounting Mode. Select Final.
    • Process Events. Select All.
    • Report Style. Select Summary.
    • Transfer to General Ledger. SelectYes.
    • Post in General Ledger. Select Yes if you want the entries to be automatically posted to Oracle General Ledger.
    • Journal Batch. It’s recommended that you enter a name for the journal batch. Remember this name so you can use it to search for journals generated by this process.
    • Include User Transaction Identifiers. SelectNo.
  3. Click Submit.

The process submits multiple subprocesses. You can review the Create Accounting Execution Report for any errors. The source partner contribution remains in “Accounting in Progress” status.

Perform the following steps to update the accounting information of the journal entries in the partner contributions:

Important: You must post the journal entries to the General Ledger before you perform this task.
  1. From the Home page, select Joint Venture Management, and then select Process Joint Venture Partner Contributions from the Quick Actions list.

  2. For the Processing Mode, select Update Accounting for Contribution Journals.

  3. Complete the Joint Venture field if you want to run the process over a specific joint venture.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. When the process completes, click OK in the confirmation window.

  6. Click the log file in the Log and Output section to view the journal entries that are updated with the Final Accounted status.

The transfer is complete and the source partner contribution changes to “Transferred” status. If the transfer is to a new partner contribution, the new partner contribution is assigned the status that you selected in the Partner Contributions work area.