Run the Process to Create Statistical Journal Entries for Operational Measures

Perform these steps to run the process to create the initial statistical journal entries for operational measures. After running this process, run the following processes to complete the accounting for the journal entries:

  • Create Accounting
  • Update Accounting Status for Journals

If you run these processes on a schedule, you might want to leave time between the processes to create statistical journal entries and create accounting. This gives you a chance to review the accounting header with the statistical journal entries before they are fully accounted. You can access the accounting header from the operational measures in the Joint Venture Operational Measures work area.

  1. Select Joint Venture Management on the Home page, and then select Create Joint Venture Invoices and Journal Entries from the Quick Actions list.
  2. On Process Details, determine when you want to run the process:
    • As soon as possible. This is the default.
    • On a schedule. Click Advanced to set up a schedule for running the process. This displays the Advanced Options, where you can create a schedule and set up a notification so you or another user are notified about the process.
  3. For the Processing Mode, select Create Statistical Journal Entries for Operational Measures.
  4. Complete these fields to specify the joint venture or joint ventures that contain operational measures for which you want to create statistical journal entries:
    • Joint Venture. Select a particular joint venture or leave this field blank if you want the process to create journal entries for operational measures in all joint ventures.
    • Ledger. Enter a ledger in which the operational measures will be written to. If you leave this blank, the primary ledger of the business unit associated with the joint venture will be used.
    Note: The ledger that you enter must have been set up with accounts for storing statistical journal entries. Subledger Accounting will also need to be set up for the ledger.
  5. To process operational measures for a particular measure type, select the type from the Measure Type list.

    If left blank, operational measures of all measure types will be selected.

  6. To process operational measures based on an operational state, complete these fields:
    • From Operational State
    • To Operational State

    Complete both fields to enter a range of operational states.

    To specify a single operational state, enter the state in both the From and To fields.

    If you complete the From Operational State and not the To Operational State, measures will be processed that are at a state greater than or equal to the From Operational State.

    Likewise, if you complete the To Operational State and not the From Operational State, measures will be processed that are less than or equal to the To Operational State.

    This limits the creation of statistical journal entries for only operational measures where the joint venture or joint venture and primary segment are at the specified operational state. The process compares the measure date in operational measures to the reported date in operational states to determine the operational measures to create statistical journal entries for.

  7. If you want to process operational measures based on a reporting date, enter the date range in these fields:
    • From Date
    • To Date
  8. For Accounting Date, enter a date that the system will assign as the transaction date for the statistical journal entries in subledger accounting. If you leave this field blank, the system date will be used.
  9. Click Submit.
  10. When the process completes, click OK in the confirmation.
  11. Click the log file in the Log and Output section to view the details about the created statistical journal entries.