Update a Stakeholder

The updates you can make to a stakeholder depend on its status.

  • Pending. The initial status when you create a stakeholder.

  • Active. Enables a stakeholder to be added to an ownership definition in a joint venture.

  • Inactive. Used when a stakeholder is no longer partaking in the joint venture.

Note: You can also have user defined statuses for stakeholders.

Update a Stakeholder in the Pending Status

The initial status of a stakeholder is Pending. You can update any of the details of a stakeholder in this status. After you set up a stakeholder, you can change its status from Pending to Active.

Update a Stakeholder in the Active Status

You can make any changes to a stakeholder in the Active status if it’s not associated with an ownership definition.

If a stakeholder is associated with an ownership definition, you're limited to the details you can change. You can't change the Stakeholder Type and certain partner information. However, you can change other details, such as the invoicing preference, if distributions haven't been generated for the stakeholder. You can also change the name of a stakeholder. See Change Invoicing Partner and Stakeholder Names for more information.

Instead of modifying a stakeholder in the Active status, you might need to create a new one. For example, an internal stakeholder in the managing partner’s organization could spin off and become an independent company. In this case, you would need to set up a new invoicing partner for the former internal stakeholder, and then create a new external stakeholder with the new invoicing partner.

Before you change the stakeholder status from Active to Inactive, verify that the stakeholder isn't associated with unprocessed transactions or distributions, or both. Because Oracle Joint Venture Management doesn’t check if unprocessed transactions or distributions exist for inactive stakeholders and creates distributions and invoices for the inactive stakeholders.

Update a Stakeholder in the Inactive Status: Not Allowed

You can’t make any changes to a stakeholder in the Inactive status. To make changes, you must first change the stakeholder back to Active.