Overview of Collections Manager Dashboard

Using Collections Manager Dashboard, you can get the insight into advanced metrics, known as Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

These metrics helps you to understand the payment history of your customers and effectiveness of your collections organization. Using this information you can strategically allocate collections resources more effectively.

Here's all you can do using your dashboard:

  • Perform a multi-dimensional analysis to instantly view statistics.

  • Manage collection resources.

Multidimensional analysis

You can view statistics using different dimensions on the same data, and drill up, down, and through on any hierarchy level. You can create multiple combinations of the KPIs across a number of dimensions and hierarchies such as:

  • Business Unit

  • Customer, Account, and Site

  • Collector

  • Profile Class

  • Country, State, Province, City, or ZIP Code

  • Salesperson

  • Aging Bucket

Manage collectors

You can monitor and balance workloads, and view customers and delinquencies assigned to agents. You need to navigate to the Manage Resources page to manage your collectors. Here are some tasks you can do to effectively manage your available collectors:

  • Assign or reassign collectors to customers.

  • Assign backup collectors to cover for absent collectors.