Overview of the Bad Debt Provision Report

This topic contains summary information about the Bad Debt Provision Report.


The Bad Debt Provision Report provides information about your bad debt exposure.

This image shows output from the Bad Debt Provision Report.

Key Insights

The report uses the percent collectible value that you specify in the Collectible field of the Credit and Collections section of the customer account profile to calculate the bad debt provision.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following table lists frequently asked questions about the Bad Debt Provision Report.



How do I find this report?

Reports and Analytics pane - Shared Folders - Financials - Receivables - Accounting

Who uses this report?

Financial Manager during period close processing.

When do I use this report?

When you need customer overdue transaction collectibility information to create the provision for bad debt accounting journals.

What can I do with this report?

Schedule periodically.

What type of report is this?

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher