Automatic Population of Bank Accounts by Company Codes

The disbursement bank account is one of two parameters that is required for processing a payment process request. You can enter the bank account as a parameter on the payment process request when you submit the payment process request.

If you submit a payment process request without a bank account, Payments derives and automatically populates the bank account. It takes into account the business unit and currency of the invoice to be paid.

An alternate way to automatically populate the bank account onto the payment process request is to configure a predefined lookup type, ORA_IBY_DEFAULT_BANK_ACCOUNT. Using the lookup type, the bank account automatically populates onto the payment process request based on company codes and currency.

The following table describes the predefined lookup values and contains sample lookup data.

Lookup Code

Lookup Code Meaning

Lookup Code Description

Company code, or balancing segment value, and currency separated by an underscore mark.

A unique meaning

The description contains the bank account number.


Bank account for 001_US currency



Bank account for 001_ EUR currency



Bank account for 001_ GBP currency


The priority of the automatic population of the bank account is as follows:

  1. The bank account of the balancing segment value with currency combination automatically populates onto the payment process request.

  2. The bank account setup up for the company code automatically populates onto the payment process request.

When you configure the predefined lookup to automatically populate bank accounts onto invoices, you assume the following:

  • The bank account number is unique.

  • The bank account is active.

  • The company codes are set up correctly.

  • Multiple ledgers use different company codes.

Unique Bank Account Number

The application evaluates the lookup codes to match the bank account to be automatically populated for the company codes. If the same bank account number is present for the same legal entity in different banks, then the bank account isn't automatically populated onto the payment process request.

Active Disbursement Bank Account

The bank account that automatically populates based on bank account setup must be an active disbursement bank account with access by the business unit.

Correct Setup of Company Codes

The automatic population of the bank account is based on the setup of the lookup codes. You must enter the correct company code with currency combination and the correct bank account number for the following conditions:

  • Foreign currency payments made from the bank account in the respective foreign currency.

  • A multicurrency domestic bank account is used to pay either functional currency or foreign currency invoices.

  • The bank account is not a multicurrency bank account.

Multiple Ledgers Use Different Company Codes

If the same chart of accounts is used across multiple ledgers, then the application can't derive the bank account based on company codes.