Automatic Population of Payment Process Profiles by Company Codes

A payment process profile, hereafter known as a profile, and a disbursement bank account are two parameters that are required to process a payment process request. A profile is a setup that provides complete processing instructions for each payment.

You can enter a profile as a parameter on the payment process request when you submit the request. If you submit a payment process request without a profile, Payments derives it from usage rules. You can specify these rules on the Usage Rules tab of the Create Payment Process Profile page. Usage rules specify whether a profile applies to all or specific payment methods, bank accounts, business units, or currencies. If you specify a profile as generic with no usage rules, it can be used with all payments. If you do specify usage rules, you limit a profile to payments that have a specific bank account, payment method, business unit, or currency.

An alternate way of automatically populating a profile on a payment process request is to configure the predefined lookup type, ORA_IBY_DEFAULT_BANK_ACCOUNT. Using the lookup type, the bank account and profile automatically populate the payment process request based on company codes and currency.

If the profile is inconsistent with the usage rules, it doesn't automatically populate the payment process request.

The following table describes the predefined lookup values and contains sample lookup data for a bank account and profile combination.

Lookup Code Field

Lookup Code Meaning Field

Lookup Code Description Field

Tag Field

Company code, or balancing segment value, and currency separated by an underscore mark.

A unique meaning.

The description contains the bank account number.

The profile name.


US Payment Process Profile



When you configure the predefined lookup to automatically populate profiles on invoices, the following business rules apply:

  • Data entry in the Meaning field is required.

  • Data entry in the Tag field is optional.

    If you enter a valid profile name in the Tag field, the profile automatically populates invoices. If you enter an invalid profile name in the Tag field, only the bank account automatically populates from the number entered in the Description field.

  • One company code and currency combination can only be associated with one bank account and profile combination. For example, a company code and currency combination of 01-USD is associated with bank account 1024514001 and payment process profile US PPP.

The following table describes the automatic population behavior of valid and invalid bank account and profile combinations.

Valid Bank Account and Profile

Invalid Bank Account and Profile

They both automatically populate.

Neither automatically populates.

The following table contains conditions that result in invalid bank accounts or profiles.

Invalid Bank Account

Invalid Profile

  • The bank account is invalid for the payment business unit on the invoice.

  • The bank account has an invalid payment currency.

  • The bank account is inactive on the payment date.

  • The profile is invalid for the automatic population of the bank account and payment method, business unit, and currency combination. That is, the usage rules specified on the profile don't match the parameters on the payment.

  • The profile is inactive on the payment date.

For bank account and profile derivation, the order of precedence is as follows:

  1. The automatic population of the bank account is based on the predefined lookup type, ORA_IBY_DEFAULT_BANK_ACCOUNT.

  2. The automatic population of the bank account from an Oracle Cash Management API.

  3. The automatic population of the profile is based on the predefined lookup type, ORA_IBY_DEFAULT_BANK_ACCOUNT

  4. The automatic population of the profile is based on the profile usage rules.